Browsing all posts tagged with water

The Huskies made bubbles

(20) | 05/06/2016 | 0 comments

Putting the muzzle into the bowl of water, the Maya, a Siberian Husky, plays by making bubbles.

The fish who loves people

(12) | 01/06/2016 | 0 comments

In China, a company is impressed by a fish in the river. Although trying to melt away into the water, the small animal constantly returns to people to play with him.

What happens if you throw liquid nitrogen and dry ice into a pool;

(14) | 31/05/2016 | 0 comments

Kevin puts fire in a pool with diethyl ether, and pouring liquid nitrogen and dry ice in water.

A small child falls into the casing of a gorilla at the Zoo

(14) | 29/05/2016 | 3 Comments

The Saturday, May 28, 2016 in Cincinnati Zoo in the United States, a gorilla 17 sacrificed after dropping a 4 year small boy inside casing. The child had managed […]

The fish who drinks beer

(25) | 23/05/2016 | 0 comments

On the banks of the river Manso Mato Grosso state of Brazil, fishermen in a boat giving beer to a fish. The fish jumped and stood at the edge of the boat, drinking a few sips before returning […]

The rather unfortunate life of a strawberry

(17) | 13/05/2016 | 0 comments

Follow the journey of a strawberries from the farm to the fridge of a House, and unjust outcome. 40% of food in the United States ends up in the trash, while the spoiled food is the biggest […]

The Husky complains

(20) | 10/05/2016 | 0 comments

The Zeus, a big stubborn Siberian Husky, whine on transformation of why she doesn't want to come out of the bathtub. The Zeus loves playing with water in the tub and she wants someone to open […]

Tuna vs. Gull

(21) | 25/04/2016 | 0 comments

In L'Escala, Spain, a Seagull drops into the water to grab food that throws some into the sea for a tone. The tone trying to eat the food swallowed accidentally seagull and bathe […]

The myrmigkofagos who did not want to get wet

(15) | 25/04/2016 | 0 comments

A myrmigkofagos was a little hungry and wanted to access a disk with insects that stood on the surface of a lake in Sunshine Aquarium, in Tokyo, Japan. However, the anteater was determined to eat […]

The easiest way to climb in an inflatable boat

(29) | 22/04/2016 | 0 comments

A woman shows us a technique by which one can climb very easily on an inflatable boat after falling in water.

Passers-by trying to stop the fight between two dogs

(23) | 22/04/2016 | 5 Comments

In a city street in Chimbote Peru, a fierce battle erupted between two stray dogs. Faced with this event, attendees with some policemen tried to intervene quickly by dropping […]

The impressive ypercheilistis Covão do Conchos

(9) | 16/04/2016 | 0 comments

Near the town of Portugal Gkoyarnta one can find the Covão do Conchos, a surreal spillway which is part of the dam Conchos, and gathers water from the river Naves. This impressive construction […]

The marine iguana

(11) | 15/04/2016 | 0 comments

The marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus- Amblyrrygchos the crested) It is very rare that iguana is found only on the Galapagos Islands and which has the ability, unique among modern lizards, live and feed in […]

The ponies wanted to play in the water

(22) | 13/04/2016 | 0 comments

In Greenwood, South Carolina (United States), a group of children doing ride with horses, but a pony stops to play in a puddle with water. The ponies will start hitting the hooves […]

An easy trick for cleaning of oven

(58) | 11/04/2016 | 3 Comments

Those who have attempted to clean the stove a kitchen, they know it is a difficult and tedious process. With this simple solution that contains baking soda, water and vinegar, the oven cleaning may […]