Browsing all posts tagged with water

From that came the water of the Earth;

(8) | 11/03/2014 | 0 comments

We all know that the surface of our planet is mostly covered by water in liquid form, about 71%, and all the Earth's life depends on it. But out of that came the water on Earth;

The straw that can save millions of lives

(7) | 06/03/2014 | 1 Comment

The LifeStraw is a straw that was invented by the company Vestergaard, and converts the non-potable water to drinking in your social networks.. Can effectively remove more than 99,99% of the bacteria, and 99% of […]

A fish pafer inflates

(20) | 05/03/2014 | 0 comments

A fish pafer (Tetraodontidae) situated in a basin of water and will begin to bulge like a balloon, When someone take it out of the water. This is the technique that uses this kind against […]

Huge surge in restaurant

(1) | 02/03/2014 | 0 comments

Moby Dick restaurant located on a dock, in Santa Barbara, Calif.. During a strong storm, a scary wave breaks the glass of the Windows and water flooded the area.

Mobile phone test failed

(8) | 25/02/2014 | 0 comments

On the television channel, the Director of the company Archos does show the company's new smartphone, supposedly it is shock-resistant and waterproof. But when placed in a container with water, Mobile […]

Coffee from the faucet

(6) | 02/02/2014 | 1 Comment

Excerpt from the Norwegian dette gjør Ikke show 'hjemme» (Don't try it at home), where presenters filled a boilers with instant coffee and raise the temperature. The result; Coffee from the line of hot water […]

You can walk on water;

(8) | 10/01/2014 | 0 comments

Running, jumping and cycling 8.000 litres of non-neytwneioy liquid in Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia.

Water gun to-40 °C

(2) | 04/01/2014 | 0 comments

A water gun ejects water at -40 degrees Celsius, at Porcupine, Canada.

The dog who hates swimming

(6) | 19/12/2013 | 0 comments

He loves water, but refuses to swim

First world problems

(10) | 18/12/2013 | 0 comments

A video of the Agency ' Water is Life ', to remind us how trivial are our problems and the need for clean water in African countries.

Found alive in sunken ship

(13) | 03/12/2013 | 0 comments

On May 28, 2013, a South side diver was conducting sending recovery dead a Nigerian vessel was immersed for 3 days before. What they found was amazing. The cook Harrison Okene crew had […]

Circular ice

(6) | 28/11/2013 | 0 comments

A rare phenomenon was recorded by amateur webcam in North Dakota, USA. This circular ice tray that revolved in the Sheyenne River, probably caused by the icy water, the dense air and a vortex, as […]

Floating bar for summer

(9) | 27/11/2013 | 0 comments

The floating bar named 'Aiolia' was drawing two students for a job at the University of Weingarten in Germany. This very clever construction can be used by 8 people, It has a system […]

Smart cow

(13) | 21/11/2013 | 0 comments

An intelligent cow drinking water using a hand pump.

Artwork in water

(10) | 18/11/2013 | 0 comments

A traditional painting technique from Turkey, called 'Ebru'