Browsing all posts tagged with driving

bus passengers avoid the accident after stroke driver

(9) | 23/06/2018 | 1 Comment

Wenzhou city of China, the driver of a bus loses consciousness after stroke as it leads to highway. Two passengers arriving immediately and prevent the accident. After the bus stopped, the approximately […]

The motorcycle Predator

(14) | 20/06/2018 | 0 comments

The Predator, the famous character-alien from the homonymous film, He was spotted on a strange bike on June 15 on a street near Chumphon Thailand. The rider with the disguise of a Predator lead […]

Prank with the acceleration of a Tesla

(23) | 13/06/2018 | 0 comments

As it leads to a Tesla electric car, o Norwegian comedian Orjan Buroe make a joke to his wife suddenly accelerating.

reverse gear stuck;

(9) | 06/06/2018 | 0 comments

A traffic monitoring camera in the United States Ohio, He recorded a very strange behavior of a motorist. The driver suddenly started moving in reverse, in reverse direction in the stream until it reaches […]

Motorcyclist drives dangerously and play with death

(20) | 14/05/2018 | 0 comments

On a highway in Turkey, a rider on a Yamaha MT-10 drives very hazardous at high speed.

A crazy stunt with BMX bike

(13) | 30/04/2018 | 0 comments

In a skate park in Australia, the cyclist Mike Hacker makes an unlikely acrobatic. Standing on the handlebars of the bicycle and it leads balancing for several seconds.

Drunken driver records the accident of the camera

(6) | 28/04/2018 | 0 comments

This video shows the journey of a drunken driver, which with its camera on the dashboard records the collision in a parked car in the UK Bexhill. The video released by police […]

Blind Dog leads owner of a shop for dogs

(12) | 26/04/2018 | 0 comments

New Jersey United Politeeion, The 20-year old Daniel and the Thai guide dog stroll on the road, when suddenly the dog deviate the course in order to get into a toy store […]

With heavy load uphill

(10) | 13/03/2018 | 0 comments

A man driving a van loaded with bamboo sticks, in the way of Chachoengsao Province in Thailand. The car was difficult to climb up a hill with a heavy load, so the driver will get enough forums […]

That a drunk driver is treated in Russia;

(16) | 26/01/2018 | 0 comments

The drunken driver of a van in Moscow leads to strange maneuvers in the opposite direction, and it seems that not even aware about lying. Another motorist monitor will approach the van, will […]

An accident in social networks

(17) | 02/01/2018 | 0 comments

Three young adults are moving close to a serious car accident. They will come out, They will approach the accident and take photos that will publish online. With their curiosity and reactions from social […]

The hissing language instead

(8) | 22/12/2017 | 1 Comment

The journal Scientific American made a report about the hissing language used by villagers in Addis Evia. The hissing language instead, known as hammers, a hissing language spoken by […]

When you are dealing with mobile while driving

(17) | 21/11/2017 | 0 comments

A woman in Australia leads and writes on her cell phone, and when a policeman approaching to make the observation, This leaves insouciant. The officer tries to stamatisie the siren of motorcycle, […]

The fair mug of Pythagoras

(53) | 28/10/2017 | 0 comments

Pythagoras, According to local tradition of Samos, He has made a mug by applying the laws of physics to drinking in moderation [...]

Sing "Happy Birthday" backwards

(7) | 27/10/2017 | 0 comments

American comedian Kurt Quinn sings the birthday song "Happy Birthday" backwards while driving. Then the video will play in reverse to reveal the right tune.