Browsing all posts tagged with Park

And where you calmly ride your motorcycle...

(17) | 11/03/2016 | 0 comments

A motorcyclist is in a road near Khao Yai National Park in Thailand, when suddenly meets a family of elephants on the left side of the road. The man immediately cuts speed, but a male elephant hounds. […]

Elephant tries to give life to the light after birth

(30) | 20/02/2016 | 0 comments

Taro Park Bali Indonesia, a female elephant lays its small. Though initially the elephant appears motionless, without breathing. His mother, however, knows what to do to restore the […]

Turbine getting fire and collapses

(9) | 09/02/2016 | 0 comments

Fire from unknown causes caused in a wind turbine, in a wind park in China. The wind turbine within a few seconds is destroyed and collapses.

The Tian Tian always, have fun in the snow

(9) | 26/01/2016 | 0 comments

Saturday 23 January 2016, the Tian Tian, a giant always at the National Zoological Park, Washington, woke up with a thick layer of snow on the casing of the, after the passage of cyclone Jonas East […]

Elephants welcoming their friend

(17) | 26/01/2016 | 0 comments

At elephant Nature Park Elephant Park, under Thailand's Mae Taeng, the little elephant La Kham together with his friends running to greet their beloved friend Darrick, a carer park […]

A koala lay crying

(18) | 07/01/2016 | 0 comments

In a park located in the Adelaide Hills in Australia, a woman captures the brawl between two koalas on a tree. Koalas are fighting over who will dominate the tree […]

The Gorilla who walks like a man

(23) | 10/12/2015 | 0 comments

The gorillas share 95 percent of their DNA with humans, είναι απίστευτα κοινωνικοί και έχουν αρχίσει πρόσφατα το περπάτημα… στα δύο πόδια.Η ικανότητα του περπατήματος στα δύο πόδια είναι σπάνια στους γορίλες, […]

Christmas switch

(17) | 03/12/2015 | 0 comments

The Improv Everywhere Group placed a huge switch in Father Demo square in New York, United States. The goal of this prank is to arouse the curiosity of passers-by. With the turn of a switch, […]

The Always tactless

(20) | 01/12/2015 | 0 comments

Στο ζωολογικό πάρκο “Adventure World” στην Ιαπωνία, a cute giant always makes life difficult for officials. Young playful always wants to descend into a small pit located in the enclosure, despite […]

Attack of the Jaguars

(28) | 04/11/2015 | 0 comments

The National Park Serra da Tiririca in Brazil, a man walks light-hearted in the Woods, when the roar of a jaguar is heard from behind the trees…

The wildebeest fights back

(20) | 22/10/2015 | 0 comments

Within a few seconds, the most dangerous predator in Africa becomes the victim of stalking, Thanks to a determined wildebeest. A tourist park Masai Mara in Kenya managed to record this almost funny […]

The Bodybuilders they stimulate their self-confidence

(11) | 05/10/2015 | 0 comments

Bodybuiliders from Norway found a way to seem even more muscular. Settled in the village-miniature Lilleputthammer, a park where all are made on a 1:4 from reality, and is close to Lillehammer city in […]

Remi Gaillard: The world of people

(22) | 01/10/2015 | 1 Comment

Το “Human World” είναι ένα θεματικό πάρκο που ειδικεύεται στη μελέτη και την εκμετάλλευση των ανθρώπων. The Remi Gaillard dressed dolphin and together with his friends admired the people behind the glass.

Mama bear on rescue mission

(15) | 22/09/2015 | 0 comments

At Sapporo Maruyama Zoo in Japan, a small polar bear who plays along with her mom falls in water. Fortunately, the mom who attends will rush immediately for help, and dive […]

The punishment of an aspiring rapper

(32) | 19/09/2015 | 2 Comments

A woman in India followed by a man, that the attacks and the strikes near her home. A group of youths playing soccer in a park nearby, heard voices and caught […]