Browsing all posts tagged with Park

A spectacular waterslide

(14) | 12/06/2015 | 0 comments

This short video takes us into the 'black hole', a water slide with colored LED lights built in 2012 at the “Bad 1” water park, in Bremerhaven, Germany. Its length is 78 meters and starts […]

Hippos are helping a duckling

(19) | 09/06/2015 | 1 Comment

Two hippos in Diergaarde Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, βοηθούν ένα μικρό παπάκι που δεν μπορεί να σκαρφαλώσει στο τοίχωμα μιας μικρής λίμνης και να φτάσει στη μητέρα του.Οι δύο ιπποπόταμοι εμφανίστηκαν ξαφνικά, […]

The most cool bear

(16) | 04/06/2015 | 0 comments

Στο ζωολογικό πάρκο “Olympic Game Farm” στην πολιτεία της Ουάσιγκτον στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, a couple meets a very special bear. Passing in front of, the bear will emulate the woman hailing with her foot, […]

Pigeons are depreciated

(14) | 13/05/2015 | 1 Comment

In big cities today, pigeons are considered annoying pests that koytsoylane in clean cars and fill the parks and squares. But it wasn't always so. Pigeons once considered remarkable pets and […]

Airsoft battle from the viewfinder of a akrobolisti

(14) | 10/05/2015 | 0 comments

In Tirol Airsoftpark Park located in Patsch, Austria, a player captures an Airsoft battle from the skopeytro. Using cameras mounted on the rifle and head of, our player […]

Orangutan care small Tigers

(13) | 09/05/2015 | 0 comments

Στο πάρκο άγριας ζωής “Myrtle Beach Safari” στη Νότια Καρολίνα των ΗΠΑ, one orangutan took the role of the mother for a few newborn Tigers. The Orang-Utan takes care of daily small, playing with them and behave […]

A nice animation of the Coca-Cola

(13) | 02/05/2015 | 0 comments

This beautiful advertising of Coca-Cola in direction of Kylie Matulick and Todd Mueller, tells the story of a man and his dog, who during a walk in the Park, They see the world […]

The Gorilla hates the paparazzi

(8) | 15/04/2015 | 0 comments

A gorilla at a zoo in China, getting nervous once a visitor tries to pull a photo with her cell phone.

Bridge for Guinea Pigs

(11) | 07/04/2015 | 0 comments

The staff at the Zoological Park of Nagasaki in Japan was tired constantly carries many guinea pigs from one region to another for their game, so he decided to build for them a […]

An adorable newborn Leopard

(18) | 27/03/2015 | 0 comments

Μια αξιολάτρευτη “νεφελώδης λεοπάρδαλη” γεννήθηκε στο ζωολογικό πάρκο Lowry Park στη Φλόριντα των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών. A very good news for the kind, as it is extremely rare and threatened with extinction. The young Leopard born in […]

The hungry Buffalo

(14) | 11/03/2015 | 0 comments

Κατά την επίσκεψή τους στο πάρκο “Olympic Game Farm” στη Ουάσινγκτον των ΗΠΑ, a group of friends is confronted with a very hungry buffaloes. In this funny scene, a woman tries to feed the buffalo […]

Buffalo vs. car

(7) | 09/03/2015 | 0 comments

On a street of Lamar Valley, an area in Yellowstone National Park in the United States, several bison begin to run toward a car Nissan Xterra that has stopped. One of those strikes to the head […]

The moorhens share their food

(10) | 28/02/2015 | 0 comments

In a park, a man feeds a few moorhens (Gallinula). One of them gets the food out of his hand and then distributes to other, something very original among animals. In other cases […]

Singing lessons

(18) | 09/02/2015 | 2 Comments

E. T. He is a 31 year old walrus, located in the Park and Point Defiance Aquarium, in Tacoma, Washington. He has learned to make various sounds with his mouth, even whistling.

The dog that moves with the bus

(8) | 16/01/2015 | 0 comments

In Seattle, USA, a black Labrador often takes the bus to go to the City Park. The dog named Eclipse aged two years, make happy all passengers in […]