Browsing all posts tagged with person

Kittens calm a wild stray cat

(21) | 22/05/2017 | 1 Comment

The Mason is a wild stray former stray cat, with kidney problems. It also has a nasty wound on one leg and several abscesses. The cat was subjected to euthanasia, but the agency […]

Slap the bride to leave the bee

(9) | 15/05/2017 | 0 comments

During a wedding ceremony, a bee landed on the nose of the bride. In order to remove the insect, groom awkwardly hit the young woman in the face, causing laughter among the guests.

Extremely realistic mask with the face of a little girl

(7) | 05/05/2017 | 1 Comment

The artist Landon Meier, aka Hyperflesh, specializes in making extremely lifelike masks. Here shows us one of the gruesome masks, αυτή με το πρόσωπο ενός μικρού κοριτσιού.Ο Landon Meier έγινε αρκετά […]

A fluffy bunny washes his face

(15) | 05/04/2017 | 0 comments

Rabbits are extremely clean animals and continuously washed. In this video the little Bunbun washes his face and then relax on the couch.

Grandmother makes prank on grandfather

(16) | 05/04/2017 | 0 comments

After seeing the 'magic trick' with water bottle on Facebook, The Marietta Spencer wanted to try to prank her husband Tommy. The latter is not suspected that the water from the bottle will come […]

When your opponent is predictable

(22) | 22/03/2017 | 0 comments

Saturday, March 11, 2017 in a fight at UFC Fight Night held in Fortaleza, Brazil, Brazilian fighter Edson Barboza predicted his opponent, Iranian Beneil Dariush, taking it a knock […]

The soldier crashed

(11) | 13/03/2017 | 1 Comment

During a military exercise, an instructor yells a soldier looked at him without having given this command. She then quickly gives him various commands such as 'come here', 'go back', “κοίταξε […]

How tolmises;

(19) | 11/03/2017 | 0 comments

A happy kid eating crisps on the table, when someone takes a potato from his plate. Confusion and anger are painted on his face…

Are you ready for robbery;

(14) | 08/03/2017 | 2 Comments

A dog appears to be preparing for a criminal act, wearing a hood on face. In fact the video is playing upside down.

soccer ball against a person at 28.000 fps

(10) | 17/12/2016 | 0 comments

The Slow Mo Guys filming a football camera that strikes a person, with a high speed camera at 28.000 fps (1.000 times slower than reality).

Two children play a very funny game

(14) | 15/12/2016 | 0 comments

Two little boys playing the game 'Pie Face', where the goal is to hit as fast as you can a button so you don't eat the pie in the face. But the biggest will distract […]

The dumbest accident involving a Ferrari

(9) | 14/12/2016 | 0 comments

Sunday October 9, 2016 during the Pedavena-Croce d'Aune ascent in Italy, the driver of a Ferrari F430 GT3 made a big blunder in a turn. As it was moving with 10 km / h, He managed to […]

A child with polio, stand up for the first time and walks

(18) | 06/12/2016 | 0 comments

In Brazil, the David 6chronos who was paralyzed due to polio, surprised all his classmates, as he stood up from his wheelchair and walked for the first time. The scene was filmed by teacher […]

Biker teeters on the railing of a dam

(6) | 29/11/2016 | 0 comments

The Austrian cyclist Fabio Wibmer poised with his bike into a railing on the edge of the dam Kölnbrein, in Austria, one of the highest dams in Europe with a height of 200 meters. Turned in first person, […]

Rogue dog bowl

(17) | 15/11/2016 | 0 comments

A dog trying to catch a bone that is painted on the bottom of the bowl of new. Confounded, the dog plunges his face and his foot in the water, never succeeds […]