Browsing all posts tagged with dog

The dog and duck

(18) | 11/10/2016 | 0 comments

One of the most unusual friendships, is Kobe, a German shepherd, and Norman duck. The two often play chase around the house.

A dog is worried when his friend plays dead

(15) | 05/10/2016 | 0 comments

The Archie boxer concerned when his friend Jack pretends dead, inverted with feet in the air. The Archie then approaches Jack and starts crying. The landlady is there […]

Brushing the dog's teeth

(18) | 03/10/2016 | 0 comments

A Jack Russell is very cooperative, while the owner of brushing his teeth. When he asks to smile, dog shows all his teeth, that brushing be more effective.

A dog is sad when a missing boss

(10) | 26/09/2016 | 0 comments

A man records the flatmate sad dog during the absence of the last. The animal awaits the return of his boss in bed, while whining sad.

The dog is not very good at hide and seek

(17) | 23/09/2016 | 3 Comments

The Niko dog, trying to locate the owner, who is hiding behind a door. The young woman shouts dog, who tries to understand from which comes the voice but […]

The transformation of a dying dog

(24) | 22/09/2016 | 0 comments

People organization Animal Aid Unlimited in India, They found and treated a stray dog ​​malnourished, with respiratory infection. The dog was nearly dying in the street and covered with flies. The recovery after […]

A dog loves when she realizes that reaches the park

(36) | 17/09/2016 | 4 Comments

The Scratty dog ​​realizes that just arrived in the park with his car owner. His enthusiasm is stiff.

A dog frightened cats

(27) | 10/09/2016 | 1 Comment

Three cats sit behind the front door of a house, absorbed in watching a bird in the backyard. When a dog will approach the silent, cats will jump up in the air from the fright.

The dog with the silent barking

(9) | 09/09/2016 | 0 comments

On hearing the beat of a door, by Oscar, a dog cross between Yorkie and Pomeranian, begin to bark, but silently. A unique feature is due to underdeveloped vocal cords.

The dog celebrates the team's goal

(17) | 06/09/2016 | 0 comments

A dog in Turkey celebrates, when he sees his team on television scoring a goal.

The dog and the snail

(14) | 05/09/2016 | 0 comments

A snail walks in the snout of a dog, who is baffled by the presence of the strange object over him.

The luckiest dog in the world

(14) | 30/08/2016 | 0 comments

On Sunday August 28, 2016 during a rally race near Santa Cruz, Bolivia, a small dog were very lucky. The dog was walking in the middle of the road when escaped by as […]

The dog wash like cat

(9) | 30/08/2016 | 0 comments

A dog is a little confused, and washed just like a cat.

A dog tries Surströmming

(15) | 19/08/2016 | 0 comments

A woman gives a little bit of herring fermented, known as surströmming, Bulldog in the. The surströmming is a Swedish culinary specialties based Baltic herring, fermented for several months […]

Swallowed the dog game

(11) | 16/08/2016 | 0 comments

Anthony ended up in emergency incidents since swallowed the rubber game of the dog's. While lying on a bed, responds to his mother's questions because the toy makes sounds every breath or […]