Browsing all posts tagged with song

How to sing high notes in the chorus

(21) | 04/04/2014 | 0 comments

At Kemptitz University, England, a member of the choir has discovered a technique that will help him to sing very high notes. This is achieved while helium from a balloon.

Ο θίασος του Lion King τραγουδά το ‘Circle of Life’ στο αεροπλάνο

(5) | 02/04/2014 | 1 Comment

The passengers of Flight 0970 Australian entertained during their journey from the troupe of the theater performance of the Lion King. H ομάδα των ηθοποιών τραγούδησε εκπληκτικά το γνωστό ‘Circle of Life’ της ταινίας […]

Hilarious parody of 'Frozen'

(5) | 26/03/2014 | 0 comments

Το “Let it go”, the most popular song from the great success of Disney 'Frozen', is loved worldwide. Now let's take a look at a hilarious parody of the song, as implemented in […]

H nun who rocked The Italian Voice

(11) | 24/03/2014 | 0 comments

Didn't believe their eyes the judges at The Italian Voice when behind a shocking interpretation they saw the nun Scuccia Cristina. The sister Cristina interpreted the song of Alicia Keys 'No One' and not […]

The length of a pregnancy

(6) | 24/03/2014 | 0 comments

Tom Fletcher, singer in the English band McFly, γράφει και εκτελεί ένα πρωτότυπο τραγούδι που ονομάζεται “Something New” για να γιορτάσει τη γέννηση του γιου του, Buzz. And pulling out a photo every day, in […]

Father and daughter in Duet

(13) | 20/03/2014 | 0 comments

The Jorge with his little daughter Alexa sing the song 'Home' (Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros).

10 year sings beautifully the «Rolling in the Deep»

(14) | 11/03/2014 | 2 Comments

The 10-year-old Olivia Kay interprets the well-known piece of Adele with the fantastic voice of.

Music in nature: Birds on wires

(6) | 10/03/2014 | 0 comments

One morning while reading newspaper, the Brazilian Giarmpas Aneli saw a photo of birds standing on electric cables. Cut the photo and was inspired to compose a song by replacing the exact location […]

12 year old girl with a great voice

(9) | 03/03/2014 | 1 Comment

The only 12 year old Laura performed so well her singing Whitney Houston «I will always love you» which forced both the judges and the whole audience in the video deck to get up and […]

A 14-year-old boy with magic voice

(37) | 09/02/2014 | 3 Comments

The Lloyd Aldrich Talonding, a boy 14 years old from the Philippines, sings wonderful piece ' Rooftops ' Culture of Jesus with his cousin James on guitar.

The Taylor Swift is attacked

(18) | 29/01/2014 | 2 Comments

The famous singer Taylor Swift receives brutal attack during the Grammys Awards. Like a proper professional yet, He continued to sing.

Impressed with his voice

(17) | 20/01/2014 | 1 Comment

The 26-year-old Panagiotis Bintzilaios stole the show in the show 'The Voice', singing a cover of the song 'Billie Jean'.

Greek night in NBA

(14) | 16/01/2014 | 21 Comments

Introducing the match between Grizzlies and Bucks in the NBA, the homogeneous presenter Tas Melas stresses that the evening will be important for the Greeks in the world because of the involvement of three Greek players John […]

'Get Lucky' in harp

(5) | 15/01/2014 | 0 comments

The Anna McLuckie impressed the Commission show ' The Voice ' in England, με μια διασκευή του τραγουδιού “Get Lucky” των Daft Punk, in voice and harp.

Dimitris Starovas: The art of deception

(37) | 23/12/2013 | 1 Comment

Dimitris starovas in a funny clip from live performance in Patras, explains how the giafka of 'artful' singers conspires to make hits with a single song.