Browsing all posts tagged with animation

What is Magna Carta?

(0) | 30/03/2015 | 0 comments

Why is this old piece of parchment considered to be such a powerful symbol of our rights and freedoms? Narrated by Monty Python’s Terry Jones, this animation takes you back to medieval times, when England […]

Funny cats

(13) | 25/03/2015 | 0 comments

As he returns home after school, a little girl takes refuge in a barn to protect from the rain. Όμως εκεί κρύβεται η μεγαλύτερη συνωμοσία εναντίον της ανθρωπότητας…Ένα αστείο animation από τον Αntοn Βοgaty.

TIE Fighter

(9) | 25/03/2015 | 0 comments

“TIE Fighter” is a 7-minute animation set in the world of Star Wars, and was created by Paul Johnson. Our story travels to the Empire side during a battle against the Revolutionary […]

The great duel

(10) | 23/03/2015 | 0 comments

In a funny scene from the cartoon 'Puss in Boots', Puss in boots need to fight with three devilishly kittens.

Simulation of asteroid collision with the Earth

(29) | 09/03/2015 | 10 Comments

The Discovery Channel speculates the impact of the collision of an asteroid 500 km in diameter, with the Earth. This animation simulates the disappearance of life in our beloved blue planet, with a prophetic scenario. The […]

The Odyssey of life

(33) | 04/03/2015 | 2 Comments

A very nice 3D animation to create a human life from conception until birth.

Superman Psychanagkastikos

(16) | 03/03/2015 | 0 comments

That would be the life of the famous superhero if had OCD (OCD); A funny animation from Animation Domination.


(10) | 01/03/2015 | 1 Comment

Some people are very rude. A funny animation by Cyanide & Happiness.

Βρέθηκε το χταπόδι “Ντάμπο”

(12) | 24/02/2015 | 0 comments

Το ερευνητικό σκάφος “Nautilus” κατέγραψε στο βυθό της θάλασσας ένα Grimpoteuthis (a very rare marine animal), who lives at extreme depths between 500 and 4000 meters. This octopus is one of the rarest […]

Lord Of The Rings: The mythology of the ring

(7) | 19/02/2015 | 0 comments

A beautifully crafted and concise video animated by the CGP Grey, which explains the nature and history of the ring from JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series. The video describes the […]

The potluck

(16) | 16/02/2015 | 0 comments

Winston was a stray dog adopted by a man. In his new home eating like a King, and fulfills every desire for very tasty food, but obviously with a lot of fat and sugar. […]

The Animated Guide to Polish Success

(0) | 08/02/2015 | 0 comments

It is an entertaining and funny film about the economy of Poland — one of the countries which has dealt best with the economic crisis. It explains how a state which 20 years ago underwent […]

The gap

(21) | 04/02/2015 | 3 Comments

Two travelers must build a bridge in order to cross a huge gap. A wonderful story about friendship, the sacrifice and the conquest of akatorthwtoy, under the direction of Karl Mposemin, Christian Thomas and […]

When the wildebeest became Nazis

(19) | 03/02/2015 | 0 comments

Animation Designer Doug Bayne, It feels bad when he sees in video a wildebeest being killed by two lions. It is too late to save the wildebeest, but it is never too late to stop […]

Regular competition

(22) | 01/02/2015 | 0 comments

Ever wonder why the cafes, gas stations, restaurants and shops are located next to each other or [...]