Kid faking leg injury
A young man cannot play sports because of an injury to his foot, but by moving with his crutches he is leaning on his injured foot. Strange…
A soccer ball explodes
A soccer ball is transformed into a blowtorch and ends up exploding.
World’s smallest 50 caliber pistol
It is created with two tubes and a nail… Will it work?
Hold on!
Saskatoon, Kanada. The 8-year-old boy did not fit in the leather on the lift seat until he slipped and remained hanging. The man who was filming it all motivated him all the way. In the […]
A woman walks a Spot robot
A woman walks a Boston Dynamics Spot robot, wisely leashed, across a pier in Fort Pierce, Florida.
Remember the mannequin challenge? This was one of the best
He was put to sleep during a fight
A young man is violently put to sleep during a gang fight. Images of extreme violence!