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پوسٹ ٹائپ سلیکٹرز
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اپ لوڈز
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سب ٹائٹل
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ایک دنیا, ایک انقلاب

انقلاب اور بیداری کا پیغام اب یونان سے شروع ہوتا ہے اور پوری دنیا تک پہنچ جاتا ہے۔

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2 تبصرے

  1. Juan Miranda کہتے ہیں:

    ہائے, thanks for the wonderful video, I would like to keep it as Historical evidence for my records and use it for my greek economical/political crisis, is there a possible way you can share me this video?

  2. Muhammad Shoukat Hussain کہتے ہیں:

    In the presence of corrupt government people are badly affected our whole government and political parties are completely corrupt killing of more than 100 innocent people is very common no one are help them . people are not save ,jobs are not save,properties are not save.Corrupt people represent political parties.