|普雷斯. 事件紀念美洲原住民代碼健談期間特朗普: “You were here long before any of us were here – although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time [...]
|該Carrilanas Esteiro是一年一度的集會比賽與小排量汽車完全用木頭做的, 不使用任何類型的推, 只有重力. 參賽者只允許 [...]
|發生在 11 月 23 日, 2017 / 聖安東尼奧, 德克薩斯州, USA“I was on the way to pick up my son’s prescription on Thanksgiving day when an elderly lady in the Lexus slammed into the Jeep to [...]