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Νέα Βίντεο
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The Art of Making a Nixie Tube

The nixie tube is a vintage display device which had been used until 70s when it was replaced with LED displays. The complex knowledge of manufacture of nixie tubes literally died with tube factory’s engineers, glassblowers and machine operators.
I discovered nixie tubes in 2011 and since then, I’ve devoted all my time to studies of nixie tubes and its manufacturing processes. After years of intensive work, with help of many people, I eventually succeeded and have revived the knowledge and equipment for production of nixie tubes.

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1 Comment

  1. Samuel Hernández says:

    ¡Asombroso! Mi total admiración y respeto a su gran trabajo. Ese tipo de tecnología no debería de desaparecer. Considero que además de ser algo “retro”, es llamativo y de gran valor ingenieril, las personas que estudiamos las areas de los materiales y electrónica deberíamos aprender mas a fondo mediante el desarrollo de este tipo de dispositivos. Gracias por compartir su increíble trabajo y nuevamente mi total respeto.