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When you do something illegal you need a camera so you can upload your illegal stuff to the internet.
A trooper shot and wounded a Randolph man and five people were arrested after a chaotic scene involving dozens of people riding off-road bikes and all-terrain-vehicles dangerously on Interstate 93, state police said.
Exit 18 on Interstate-93 southbound near Albany Street was closed for several hours Saturday night after the police-involved shooting.
The shooting and arrests occurred as authorities were responding to numerous 911 calls from motorists and witnesses reporting a large group of masked riders recklessly doing “wheelies” across the city and causing traffic dangers, state police said.
boston herald expressway police involved shooting Trooper Shoots Suspect, Five Arrested On I 93 Ramp In Boston
The scene during the I-93 incident involving dozens of motorcycle and ATV riders on Saturday.
“Approximately 25 to 35 people were riding off-road bikes, motorcycles, and ATVs in a reckless manner in Boston,” Massachusetts State Police spokesman David Procopio said in a statement. “Police received numerous 911 calls reporting reckless operation by this group that was endangering the public.