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قطة في أزمة وجودية

قطة في أزمة وجودية تتساءل لماذا تعض يد مالكها.

اترك رد

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني.

1 تعليق

  1. مامبي يقول:

    ربما أقل من اللازم. Maybe not adequate socialised? Start now to never play with barely hands or feet; use a playing object of some kind. Calmly, steadily say “noo” when doing wrong, and try find focus towards the playing object. Praise when doing right (at first maybe together with one snack)
    This will take time and patience, but not at all impossible. Sometimes fast; the cat suffers as it is and also want a change.