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Питбул решава да атакува бизон близо до гора, но бързо осъзнава, че това не е била добра идея.
© 2025 VideoMan | Контакт / Контакт: info@videoman.gr | Декларация за поверителност | Условия за ползване
Just another instance of an irresponsable pitbull owner leaving their vicious dog off a leash allowing it to attack anything in sight!!! I’m sure it has also attacked other dogs as well!!! Keep your killer dogs on a leash inconsiderate morons!!!!!!
Just another instance of an irresponsable pitbull owner leaving their vicious dog off a leash allowing it to attack anything in sight!!! I’m sure it has also attacked other dogs as well!!! Keep your killer dogs on a leash inconsiderate morons!!!!!!