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The American Sandy Hook Promise Agency released an original prevention campaign. The video depicts the romance between two young students who communicate using messages on a table in the school library. Unfortunately, this special relationship hides the warning signs of a tragedy…
With this prevention campaign, the organization made up of the parents of the victims of the 2012 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School with 28 deaths, seeking to show that the warning signs of the tragedy can be identified if someone give it the necessary attention.
It is perhaps sad, – and rather sadly comic that the shootings in u.s. schools now presented as something so banal, in order to justify the existence of an advertising campaign for their prevention. Αν θεωρούμε τα δολοφονικά ένστικτα ή τη διαταραχή ενός νεαρού απόρροια της ασχολίας με τα όπλα και του bullying – και νομίσουμε ότι έχουμε ευθύνη γιατί δεν είδαμε τα “σημάδια” – τότε δικαιολογούμε την πράξη εξιλεώνοντας τον ίδιο τον θύτη. Such a practice is not normal, let alone when it happens in a country of the first world. The underlying causes are hiding more in temperament of society that grows with a child. Και όταν η κοινωνία αντιδρά με τέτοια σποτ, one can understand why the situation was not corrected.