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Brian Bekton driving on a street in Washington, when he saw an unusual accident happening in front of. To the left of, a car moving at high speed, followed closely by a motorcyclist coming equally quickly. The rider does not foresee a slowdown ahead and will collide with the car, ending up in the trunk of. The driver of the latter will stop a few meters away to logomachisei with motorcyclist, who was slightly injured.
@Paris and @balakos to rewatch the video more carefully...those 2 (engine and cab) they must be brooding from before..... and when the car in front opens, the car behind him cuts... .... Moreover …. the vehicle behind is not always at fault ….. search on google 'sudden braking is prohibited, unless it is imposed by security reasons “…..
If someone swerves or not before it is irrelevant who is at fault...when the car in front has to brake in order not to crash into whoever is in front of him, those are the 'safety reasons' you mention...therefore, to end it here, the motorcyclist should just in case remember that it has 2 wheels and it can NOT stop as fast as a car....
Both were running quite! ο μοτοσικλετιστής περισσότερο από όσο θα έπρεπε προφανώς για να μπορεί να αντιδράσει σωστά….Το κινούμενο όχημα που βρίσκεται από πίσω φταίει πάντα ότι και να κάνει ο μπροστινός…..ας κρατούσε τις αποστάσεις και ας έτρεχε λιγότερο….Γενικά οι μοτοσυκλέτες έχουν λιγότερη ικανότητα τροχοπέδησης από τα αυτοκίνητα…να το αυτό θυμάται την επόμενη φορά ο μοτοσικλετιστής…να μην τρέχει τόσο και να αφήνει περισσότερη απόσταση….
the driver of the car.... slow down on purpose…. what a bitch.... fools…..
...and the motorcyclist was sleeping...(the motorist slowed down because the person in front braked for a while...)