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REPORTER PANOS SAKKAS: Is Greece homophobic country; – (unmatched)(SKAI 01/24/2017)
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It is reasonable for the PAPATRECHAMEN to protest. Since they are losing money from this case, if you don't pay to the church, it doesn't back you, it makes you IMMORAL and defames you at every opportunity. Open a nose that non-religious couples are now getting married religiously; No. Where they now put ALL of us without asking if it is allowed, led by the Pope in the INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CHURCHES who maintain that the Buddha, Cudas and ALL Gods are the same as the Triune God; (Since the trinity IS TRINITY, he is not a Buddha, Buddha is Buddha and Allah, Alas… no Buddha). No one talks about these issues since we buy morality by the kilo from certain sellers from our birth! They don't get a penny from the cohabitation agreement, let it be that 'they' never go to church together with the rest of the 87% of Greeks and it 'burns' them and rightfully so, the old ones. But those who have no self-interest: Shit now! Your pettiness and cruelty annoys our paws.
I'm crazy about what the internet is doing...
You make it an issue because it only plays on the channels. You don't even think about these issues every day. Let people do what they want, don't want it all yours. Your freedom stops where someone else's freedom begins. CAITUBALIN.
Your entire comment can be included in the following amount: Aman, here we have someone who has her own opinion and does not accept homosexuality... so we have to take her out disturbed, racist, maniacal killer, terrorist, homophobic, misanthrope, blah blah blah..you have a lot of funny diridahtas. You obviously have salad dressing on your mind. I pity you for feeling the need to take out deranged people who disagree with you. You don't need to tell me about human rights my dear man. I know them very well..you look to learn what freedom of thought means, of expression and reason because from o,what does it look like you dream of times of Hitler and fascism. It is obvious that you are neither a real democrat nor do you know your blindness about the,nothing. Anyone who tries to silence others who disagree with them is by definition a fascist. Put your fascism aside and go and get in a cell with other fascists because I will not open a serious discussion with subjects who think that freedom of speech only exists when it suits them. So learn what a different opinion and democracy means and then come teach me or anyone else a lesson. I've always been impressed by how fascist and evil the so-called 'liberals' are, that when they see that someone has their own views beyond the 'politically correct', they immediately fall on him like crows to see him. You are ridiculous and your hypocrisy blows from meters away. You are only making fun of yourself.
I'm glad we finally started communicating. You did your math and realized what a misanthrope you are. For a maniacal killer I have not cut you, but you will know something more to say it. That is something. I feel sorry for you and you feel sorry for me. Πολλή λύπη έχει πέσει εδώ μέσα.Κάποια πράγματα όμως τα έχεις ακόμα συγχυσμένα μέσα στο φτωχό μυαλουδάκι σου. You dream of people like Hitler. Ξέρεις ότι μεταξύ άλλων και ο Χίτλερ μισούσε τους ομοφυλόφυλους όπως και εσύ.Για αυτό, leave your fascism aside and go and get in a cell with other fascists because I will not open a serious discussion with subjects who think that freedom of speech only exists when it suits them. You're not capable of having a serious conversation. Μαθε λοιπον τι σημαινει διαφορετικη αποψη και δημοκρατια και μετα ελα να κανεις μαθημα σε μενα ή σε οποιονδηποτε αλλον.Πάντα μου έκανε εντύπωση το πόσο φασίστες και κακιασμένοι είστε εσείς οι δήθεν “χριστιανοί” που μόλις δουν κάποιον που δεν γουστάρουν να απαιτεί και να κερδίζει και νομικά πλέον, his human rights and those who defend them, they immediately fall upon him like crows to see him. You are ridiculous and your hypocrisy blows from meters away. You are only making fun of yourself.
Now you are playing the parrot TOO? I imagine your poor little brain can't think of its own comments when it's forced to repeat other people's. Popo..how old are you exactly?? Hitler really hated homosexuals? Strange because it was the same homosexual.. why look at some coincidences. Feel sorry for yourself that you have been sitting and writing paraphrases to a 'kid' for so long and you still haven't understood why you are cursing me. Or to put it more correctly, you curse someone so much because you don't like their views. That alone says a lot about you. I didn't attack you for your views, You attacked me first. Don't expose yourself. Keep repeating o,what am I saying, we have understood that you have nothing better to write.
But why should I write something else and not repeat you, when you so aptly describe and outline yourself; Since you make it so easy for me, why shouldn't i?;I don't know if Hitler was gay or not. But I know the following and I have already mentioned it above. I am writing you here again to remind you:'The other reason, it is because often, homophobic people like you, έχουν υποβόσκουσες ομοφυλοφιλικές τάσεις. Και επειδή δεν μπορούν να το αποδεκτούν, καταπιέζονται και αντιδρούν με βίαια ξεσπάσματα θυμού ως μέσο για να κατευνάσουν την οργή τους. Ειδικά όσοι είναι και θρησκόληπτοι και (hidden) homosexuals. As I believe you are too.”
Hahaha now I'm secretly gay? haha, you've exhausted all the ways to 'tell' me and you still haven't succeeded. Oh, poor baby.
I don't care if you're gay or not. I wish you were, because you would be a much better person, από ότι είσαι αυτή τη στιγμή.Και να σου πω και κάτι άλλο. Even though your nickname refers to a woman, I thought you were a man. That's why I called you 'goat' in the beginning. Only by one man, I would expect such characterizations and behavior. Because we are such lively creatures. I know this firsthand, not just because I'm a man too, but also because I had the misfortune to have such a lively and three-worse for my father. And I'm not even gay, αλλά γνωρίζω ΛΟΑΤΙ άτομα τα οποία σέβομαι και εκτιμώ.Πολύ αργότερα συνειδητοποίησα ότι είσαι γυναίκα. And I expected better behavior, since you women, because of your nature, you are usually more sensitive to such matters. I don't know what the situation is in Greece, but here in Cyprus, τα πράγματα είναι πολύ άσχημα.Δεν ξέρω σε ποια περιοχή μένεις, but I suggest you find an LGBT organization and volunteer. Make sure you spend time with these people, listen to their stories and their experiences, pay attention to their pain and when you get to know them better, τότε να τους κρίνεις.Και έλα μετά να μου πεις τις ανοησίες σου, about abnormality and unnatural acts and propaganda and fascism. I challenge you to do it and come back afterwards to tell me your impressions.
You are too quick to jump to conclusions. I have met homosexuals and transsexuals. And I have a relative who is a psychologist. You want me to tell you a harsh truth that the media constantly hides? I have no problem with homosexuals themselves, you have not understood that. I have a problem with the imposition of this way of life as 'normal'. Also, since you talked about 'rape', I'm just letting you know that I've fought countless times on YouTube with bums who have written messages like 'death to sisters' and similar. I do not condone violence against anyone. I am simply defending my right to express myself and have my opinion. Homosexuality usually comes from either some genetic issue with the chromosomes or from environmental reasons that usually have to do with early exposure and childhood sexual abuse by a person of the same sex. I actually know two people from the outside world who had such experiences and indeed one of them has a big issue with his gender because of this experience because this experience makes her feel weak as a woman and it messes with her genetic gender, he hates it. I'm not saying for sure that all those who want to change gender think like this, else I want to find out. Homosexuality is the result of either some complication in the chromosomes or environmental factors, I'm not saying that, science says so. Instead of messing with me, put it with the same science that has been saying it for years now. A simple search will tell you. Everything I say about propaganda is true. There are many organizations that are fighting legally to silence people who publicly say that homosexuality is unnatural., these are neither democratic nor normal things. That's what I was referring to. I have nothing personal with homosexuals, my relative who has explained a lot to me about homosexuality for environmental reasons has made me understand a lot. Explain to me how, say, a child who has been sexually abused by a person of the same sex, later he will seek to 'justify' the act of rape by seeking the love he did not experience through physical satisfaction with people of the same sex. This is something that is a reality and there are many homosexuals who themselves admit that they have been sexually abused in childhood by people of the same sex. In any case, instead of swearing about who is a humanitarian, it is good to discuss all sides and not to see everything as black or white because it is not.
To Administrators: As long as you keep deleting comments, other than that i will keep uploading them. So that I understand, what did I write this time that bothered you so much that you deleted it;Nessie: I read your comment above first. Eventually, this time I wronged the admins, since, as you say, you deleted your comment. My bad. But the important thing is, that, δεν έχω παραισθήσεις.Καταρχάς να σου πω ότι τώρα που διάβασα το σχόλιο σου, I see you differently. I loved what you said with the bums you deal with on Youtube. I personally loathe people who go out and swear and generally judge others negatively and I applaud and admire people who, as in this case you, who come out to face them. For this, I want to apologize here for my comments and my behavior. I don't want to keep fighting with you either. Δε θεωρώ ότι υπάρχει πλέον λόγος.Όταν διαβάζω τέτοιου είδους σχόλια, I don't usually bother to answer them, because I think it's a waste of time. Just 5-10 lecherites will get together and swear unabashedly. That's what they know, they do. I prefer to face them face to face. I will use their behavior against them and just humiliate them. When they hide behind a keyboard they are all geeks and smarts, but when they have to face someone else in front of them, they lose their speech and don't know what to do. Βασικά είναι δειλοί.Για τα ομοφυλόφιλα και τρανς άτομα που λες ότι έχεις γνωρίσει, they are people you associate with and spend time with, if not daily, often; What is their opinion?, when you say that homosexuality is an abnormal and unnatural act;For the rest of what you have written, I seem to be a little confused, but I will try to be as clear as possible (and short) done. Keep in mind I'm no expert either, ούτε έχω μελετήσει εξονυχιστικά το θέμα και από τα λεγόμενα σου το ίδιο υποθέτω και για σένα.Η επιστήμη σίγουρα έχει προχωρήσει πολύ, In many areas, such as the issue of homosexuality, of sexual identity, of sexual orientation etc. The first science that dealt with homosexuality, it was psychology. In the early 1950s it was treated as a mental illness, αλλά αυτό σταμάτησε γύρω στα μέσα της δεκαετίας του 1970.Η ομοφυλοφιλία θεωρείται πλέον από την επιστήμη, as a normal variant of human sexuality. It is not a mental illness, it is not a disorder, it is not a perversion and it is not abnormal and unnatural. Anyone says that, then he makes a very big mistake. Homosexuality, exists and has always existed in nature. Sex between 2 people (and sometimes more), it is not only done for reproductive purposes but also for pleasure purposes. Ακόμα και από ετερόφυλα ζευγάρια που δε θελουν να τεκνοποιήσουν.Συμφωνώ μαζί σου όταν λές ότι η ομοφυλοφιλία καθορίζεται από βιολογικούς (genetics, hormonal) and environmental (sociological, psychological) factors, since this is what science shows so far. But it is not a matter of choice, as many think it is. Also, there is no consensus as to the causes, since sexual orientation in general, δεν καθορίζεται από ένα και μόνο παράγοντα.Ενδιαφέρον όμως παρουσιάζουν τα στοιχεία που δείχνουν ότι, most homosexuals (men and women), have been raised by heterosexual parents. As well as several heterosexuals, από ομοφυλόφιλους γονείς.Διαφωνώ όμως μαζί σου στο θέμα με τα χρωμοσώματα. There are hints but no proof and so far at least, no 'homosexual gene' has been identified. Yes, some studies and research have been done, one as far as I know from a psychologist in men only, and another in twins (gay brothers and lesbian sisters) but also heterosexual siblings. But they have been heavily criticized for methodology and are difficult to replicate. As I said before, υπάρχουν ενδείξεις αλλά όχι αποδείξεις.Για τα υπόλοιπα που είπες περί ατόμων που έχουν υποστεί σεξουαλική κακοποίηση κτλ. I cannot express an opinion since I do not know the people in question and as I have already mentioned, I'm not an expert. Αυτό όμως δεν αναιρεί όσα έχω γράψει πιο πάνω.Επίσης, about what you mentioned about propaganda and silencing, I agree with you when you say that it is not democratic and I have no reason to doubt you. But without knowing anything specific and having evidence in my possession, I can't even take a stand, nor to express an opinion
To Administrators: As long as you keep deleting comments, other than that i will keep uploading them. So that I understand, what did I write this time that bothered you so much that you deleted it;Nessie: I read your comment above first. Eventually, this time I wronged the admins, since, as you say, you deleted your comment. My bad. But the important thing is, that, δεν έχω παραισθήσεις.Καταρχάς να σου πω ότι τώρα που διάβασα το σχόλιο σου, I see you differently. I loved what you said with the bums you deal with on Youtube. I personally loathe people who go out and swear and generally judge others negatively and I applaud and admire people who, as in this case you, who come out to face them. For this, I want to apologize here for my comments and my behavior. I don't want to keep fighting with you either. Δε θεωρώ ότι υπάρχει πλέον λόγος.Όταν διαβάζω τέτοιου είδους σχόλια, I don't usually bother to answer them, because I think it's a waste of time. Just 5-10 lecherites will get together and swear unabashedly. That's what they know, they do. I prefer to face them face to face. I will use their behavior against them and just humiliate them. When they hide behind a keyboard they are all geeks and smarts, but when they have to face someone else in front of them, they lose their speech and don't know what to do. Βασικά είναι δειλοί.Για τα ομοφυλόφιλα και τρανς άτομα που λες ότι έχεις γνωρίσει, they are people you associate with and spend time with, if not daily, often; What is their opinion?, when you say that homosexuality is an abnormal and unnatural act;For the rest of what you have written, I seem to be a little confused, but I will try to be as clear as possible (and short) done. Keep in mind I'm no expert either, ούτε έχω μελετήσει εξονυχιστικά το θέμα και από τα λεγόμενα σου το ίδιο υποθέτω και για σένα.Η επιστήμη σίγουρα έχει προχωρήσει πολύ, In many areas, such as the issue of homosexuality, of sexual identity, of sexual orientation etc. The first science that dealt with homosexuality, it was psychology. In the early 1950s it was treated as a mental illness, αλλά αυτό σταμάτησε γύρω στα μέσα της δεκαετίας του 1970.Η ομοφυλοφιλία θεωρείται πλέον από την επιστήμη, as a normal variant of human sexuality. It is not a mental illness, it is not a disorder, it is not a perversion and it is not abnormal and unnatural. Anyone says that, then he makes a very big mistake. Homosexuality, exists and has always existed in nature. Sex between 2 people (and sometimes more), it is not only done for reproductive purposes but also for pleasure purposes. Ακόμα και από ετερόφυλα ζευγάρια που δε θελουν να τεκνοποιήσουν.Συμφωνώ μαζί σου όταν λές ότι η ομοφυλοφιλία καθορίζεται από βιολογικούς (genetics, hormonal) and environmental (sociological, psychological) factors, since this is what science shows so far. But it is not a matter of choice, as many think it is. Also, there is no consensus as to the causes, since sexual orientation in general, δεν καθορίζεται από ένα και μόνο παράγοντα.Ενδιαφέρον όμως παρουσιάζουν τα στοιχεία που δείχνουν ότι, most homosexuals (men and women), have been raised by heterosexual parents. As well as several heterosexuals, από ομοφυλόφιλους γονείς.Διαφωνώ όμως μαζί σου στο θέμα με τα χρωμοσώματα. There are hints but no proof and so far at least, no 'homosexual gene' has been identified. Yes, some studies and research have been done, one as far as I know from a psychologist in men only, and another in twins (gay brothers and lesbian sisters) but also heterosexual siblings. But they have been heavily criticized for methodology and are difficult to replicate. As I said before, υπάρχουν ενδείξεις αλλά όχι αποδείξεις.Για τα υπόλοιπα που είπες περί ατόμων που έχουν υποστεί σεξουαλική κακοποίηση κτλ. I cannot express an opinion since I do not know the people in question and as I have already mentioned, I'm not an expert. Αυτό όμως δεν αναιρεί όσα έχω γράψει πιο πάνω.Επίσης, about what you mentioned about propaganda and silencing, I agree with you when you say that it is not democratic and I have no reason to doubt you. But without knowing anything specific and having evidence in my possession, I can't even take a stand, nor to express an opinion.
None of your comments have been deleted. There are some abusive language filters that automatically block comments without our intervention, but in your case nothing has been deleted. I suggest you make a regular account to comment, and don't post as a guest.
Thanks for your answer. But, some comments have been deleted. Simply, me mine, I'm writing them again. My last comment to Nessie, for example, i have uploaded it 4-5 times, αφού διαγραφόταν συνεχώς.Τώρα από ότι βλέπω, it just says 'This comment is awaiting moderation', and anyone who wants to read it can simply press 'Show comment'. Χρειάστηκε όμως να το ανεβάσω αρκετές φορές μέχρι να συμβεί αυτό.Στο συγκεκριμένο σχόλιο, at least, without knowing of course how the filters work, I don't think I have written anything insulting, but I will try to be fairer in the future.
I'm sorry too, we digressed a bit with the comments :p Στο θεμα..Οταν λεω θεμα με τα χρωμοσωματα δεν εννοω το λεγομενο ‘gay gene’ το οποιο δεν ηταν παρα μια θεωρια την οποια οντως απερριψαν ολοι οι ειδικοι απο κοινου αλλα τη λεγομενη εκτροπη των χρωμοσωματων, that is, instead of the chromosomes being in a normal order, as happens with the sex of each individual, any of these (I'm telling you very simply now, as I remember when I read it), it is either less or more with the result that the boy is more 'feminized' or the girl more 'masculine'. Also, many scientists who have generally spoken against the 'naturalness' of homosexuality will tell you that yes, it has been observed in nature since ancient times, but as you said, mainly for pleasure and usually in specific situations. P.X. when we see a male dog with another male, this does not happen because the dog is gay, but because, as a foreign zoologist said,, in nature when the desired male-female twin does not exist, the male animal in cases of 'overheating' to say it also commonly, he will go where he finds..with a few words especially for animals that when they want to mate do not calculate anything, when they don't find what they need, they will go where they find it.. that's why you see many times in many animals that they will rub or ride and the,what they find in front of them in general, from animals of the same species to vacuum cleaners... there are no limits. And in general what some say that there is homosexuality in animals has been revealed to be a myth, for this very reason. Also, as you said, homosexuality is done for pleasure, I agree...but let me tell you something else? In the name of pleasure, other things are done.. I don't want you to misunderstand this, but to call a spade a spade...,what is done for pleasure and that alone does not mean that it is good or healthy... and animal husbandry is done for pleasure.. if you ask the one who goes with animals he will tell you that he likes it.. don't misunderstand this, it is not an insult to homosexuals, I'm just giving you an example regarding what you said about pleasure and what is natural. I want to say that natural based on the laws of nature is what bears fruit. In nature, balance comes from the union of males and females and you see this for various reasons. A man has specific characteristics which, in order to come into balance, must be combined with the characteristics of a woman. e.g. A woman by nature is more sensitive and has what we call care, while a man is more dynamic and protective. In order for there to be a balance in nature, these different characteristics must be combined. When you have the same characteristics of everything, the balance is lost. That is why even a child in the family needs to have mothers and fathers. This is healthy and natural. Nature has rules and the rules say that it is natural,what results in healthy reproduction. The fact that people fall in love has to do with their feelings and not so much with the issue of reproduction. That's what I mean. We do a lot for pleasure. Για την ηδονη υπαρχουν κι οι τεχνικες φουσκωτες κουκλες..δεν σημαινει οτι ειναι φυσιολογικο να κανουν ανθρωποι σεξ με φουσκωτες κουκλες..Τωρα στα ατομα τα ομοφυλοφυλα που ξερω, I have clearly and politely told them my opinion. I have told them that I like them and respect them as individuals a lot (and this applies), I respect their right to do in their life and in their bed o,what do they want (after all, it doesn't depend on me, man has free will for this reason, otherwise we would be robots), it's just that I personally don't consider homosexuality or transsexuality to be normal. I consider it para-natural. Now what everyone feels or what they do in their personal life is their right and no one has the right to hit them or use any other violence they want on them. And you should know that I am a Christian but you were right about one thing. I'm not a good Christian. To be precise, I am one of the most invalid Christians because I don't have the mental greatness to be good to everyone, Unfortunately. But I know how to respect people and speak my mind in a calm and civilized way (don't look where I was coming here, with candlesticks :p :p ). But in general, since I became a Christian, I see people more as souls, each of whom has the prospect of becoming something better, and for this reason, I would never be able to agree with those who want to do violence to anyone for any reason.. Also because I'm a Christian I know that God didn't make robots, create people with a mind..this means that everyone is responsible for their choices both individually and collectively. So I recognize the satanist's will and right to be a satanist, for a Buddhist to be a Buddhist, of the atheist to be an atheist, Others. I won't tell them what to do, I'm just stating my opinion clearly. Now if you don't like my opinion, what to do, when will we not be able to express ourselves freely without offending at least someone or someones. I also get pissed off when I see insults about Aunties but I can't do anything..what can I do to shut up?
So much propaganda? Another journalist-parrot who says the same things over and over again. I feel sorry for the so-called 'celebs' journalists who take the bone from their bosses and suddenly think they are somebody.. until one day they get bored and throw them out like dogs like Bogdanos. Leave us my man and you with your propaganda. Yes, we do not accept our homosexual right. Because the bosses of this world decided to legitimize an unnatural act and an anomaly does not mean that we will all accept the crazy for something normal and as long as we live, may we always have the brakes on and never accept it. Let everyone in his bed do o,what does she want, I do not care, but you won't impose on us like this I want us to accept every unnatural act because that's how he smoked you. That's what fascists do. You are fascists? The question is rhetorical because it is understood that as long as you try with psychological blackmail and methods to impose your views on others, you are and you seem to be! Enjoy your fascism, then.
Not only are you not safe with the brakes, but you don't even have brakes. goats.
He said the diridachta. Give it up baby. Cursing without arguments shows that you are the kid..just so you know. And I don't care if you like my opinions or not. I won't even ask you. GOODNIGHT and sweet dreams.
Dear Mr; Nessie! Some questions that will bring you closer to self-knowledge and with a lot of work will make you Human:Who told you that homosexuality is abnormal?;; κάτι που συμβαίνει στην φύση σε ποσοστό πάνω από 30% δεν είναι ανωμαλία αλλά μέσα στους κανόνες της φύσης.Ποιός σου ζητάει να αποδεχτείς την ομοφυλοφιλία;;; Το να είναι νόμιμο να είσαι ομοφυλόφιλος δεν σημαίνει ότι επιβάλλεται σε σένα να γίνεις ομοφυλόφιλος-η.Δεν είσαι υποχρεωμένος-η να αποδεχτείς τίποτε που αφορά τον δικό σου (ass), but when you interfere with what o (ass) κάποιου άλλου τότε αυτό σημαίνει ότι κάποιο πρόβλημα έχεις εσύ…Γιατί αισθάνεσαι τόσο πίεση και μίσος για κάτι που όπως λες ΔΕΝ σε ενδιαφέρει;;Do you have repulsions that you cannot satisfy in any other way?;;;Even though you say that you don't care what other people think, you get overly irritated because;;;I hope one day you find WHAT you really don't like about yourself and what's wrong with you in your life.
And to finish, 'love' Paris, where your culture is dripping with honey (how civilized you so-called liberal fascists are, you are kidding), listen to see how things are in the real world, Come and get out of the bubble that video games suit you. There are 7+ billion people in the real world. Each of them has different opinions on different issues. Neither you nor anyone else has the jurisdiction or the moral background to practice 'psychological blackmail' and call people who do not accept homosexuality 'homophobic'. The fact that someone does not agree with this practice does not mean that they are homophobic, learn what the words you use mean and then speak. The fact that I do not consider homosexuality a normal act does not make me homophobic, it just makes me a person who doesn't agree with this practice in the same way you might disagree with something I do. The fact that I do not want every journalist to impose their views on me or that I do not tolerate the government or anyone else, to impose a biologically unnatural act on me as a 'de facto' situation, it also doesn't make me homophobic..it makes me a person who thinks for himself and has his own opinions without being influenced by memes and brainwashing by advertisements. If you can't digest this, it's your issue and not others'. Your immaturity and your tactic of allegedly 'psycho-analyzing' people on the internet who don't agree with you is completely stupid and hypocritical on your part and you really make me laugh with your alleged culture. Either you like it or you don't, either this makes you angry or it doesn't, there are too many people in the world who do not accept nor will they ever accept unnatural actions as 'normal' and they do very well. This means freedom of expression, will, thought and reason. Who doesn't like to stay at home?, to turn off the internet and just sit and watch TV all day, to prevent the bad people out there who commit the crime from speaking out. Okay Paris?
Another ridiculous delusion, by a seriously disturbed person, που προσπαθεί να μας πείσει ότι είναι ντε και καλά φυσιολογικό.Είναι αδύνατο να μπορέσει κανείς να συζητήσει μαζί σου και να σου εξηγήσει έστω κάποια στοιχειώδη και θεμελιώδη θέματα, such as human rights, αφού είσαι ανήμπορη νοητικά να τα αντιληφθείς και δεν έχεις καμιά επαφή με την πραγματικότητα.Όσο για τις αναφορές σου περί, immaturity, psychological blackmail, tactic of fascism and imposition of opinions, you do these things. You are describing yourself and your peers and you are not even capable of realizing it. You are a pity. Και ναι είσαι ομοφοβική.Έτσι, since it is clear that you have the problem (but slowly you could ever admit it), follow your own advice and sit in your little house, turn off the internet and sit and watch TV all day, to avoid the bad people out there, που κάνουν το έγκλημα να λένε τη γνώμη τους.Υ.Γ.Προς διαχειριστή/ες που διαγράφουν τα σχόλια μου. As long as you put up with the racist and homophobic ravings of misogynists like Nessie, then you will also tolerate my comments when I answer her and you will not delete them. Και ίσως θα ήταν καλό να κοιταχτείτε μπροστά στον καθρέφτη και να αναρωτηθείτε σοβαρά γιατί το κάνετε αυτό.Ώσπου όμως ανέχεστε και επιτρέπετε σε άτομα σαν την Nessie, to express themselves in this ridiculous and obscene manner, then I will answer too, however many times you delete them. Either that or delete them all, or, none.
Stop kidding us, you think anyone who doesn't agree with you is deranged. Fascists. I'm glad you express yourself so freely. What racist comments baby? You are so illiterate? Racist = one who hates a race/ethnicity. Homosexuals are not a separate race, you idiot. You're kidding, you know? You don't even know the words you're using, so play it smart. The doctor and you. No, my man, I don't need to build my own house. Contrary to you who think that the whole world should agree with you and pat your ears, I recognize the rights and freedoms of people and I know that homosexuals are free in their lives to do O,WHAT do they want?. If you still haven't understood what exactly I'm against, then you and the other one are really illiterate.. So take out the elementary school one more time, so you think my comment was racist (hahaha, What race exactly did I offend?, tell me let's laugh) and then get an idea of who is 'disturbed'. All of you crazy, You want me to censor your horrors. What does the pro-fascist look like, though?.
'Racism is the perception that people are not all equal to each other, but they are divided into superior and inferior, distinguished either by the color of the skin, the nationality, religion, the gender, either by sexual orientation etc. The most common type of racism, and that which has given the original name to the word, Italian. (race/ razza = race), είναι ο φυλετικός ρατσισμός.”Συνέχιζε να γελάς και να μας κάνεις μαθήματα περί νοήματος των λέξεων. All the uneducated, and uneducated, freaks like you, that's how they behave. As for your claims about recognizing people's rights and freedoms, αυτό φαίνεται ξεκάθαρα από το ύφος και το περιεχόμενο των σχόλιων σου.Αλλά, I will agree with you on one thing. But what does the friend-fascist look like?.
The correct concept of uneducated racism is half for different races, that's why it's called 'racism' it comes from the word race which means race. And why do you keep replying to me?? I thought there was no point in talking to 'kids'? Well, by continuing, you are probably likening yourself to some kid. I really like that you invalidate yourself in each of your comments. I am impatiently waiting for a comment from you that has serious arguments apart from the stupid insults of a 12-year-old level that you have been writing for so long and your whining to the administrators who still haven't deleted my 'bad' comments...
Said the toad the cock's head. Well, I didn't expect you to understand what racism means. As well as accept it. Nor does it matter that you don't accept it. It doesn't change the fact that you are a homophobic racist, however you try to present yourself, ότι δεν είσαι.Για τα υπόλοιπα περί χαζοπροσβολών και κλαψουρισμάτων, your desperate attempt to insult me is tragically ridiculous, with your 12 year old whining and insults.
You know what else doesn't change? That you are a Christianophobe, misanthrope, fascist, intolerant and extremely complex. You recycle o,what am I saying because you are trying to find something to say and you have none. True, since earlier you referred to vulgarity (and proportional to your level), way in my upbringing to ask you something about yours too? What upbringing did you have that makes you believe that anyone who does not accept homosexuality or any other opinion of yours, he is mentally ill or misanthropic? And since you talked about human rights earlier, correct my mistake, but as far as I know we live in a democratic world and not in a dictatorship. So who are you to define what kind of person I am and what right do you have to curse me for my opinions? By what logic do you judge whether I am a 'half-man' and what makes you believe that I am obliged to accept homosexuality? I expect logical and serious arguments from a person who insists on talking to a 'kid' for so long and continues to parrot the same things over and over again. If you can answer me with arguments, fine, if not stop commenting because you have already exposed a lot.
What does not change is your hatred and aversion towards your fellow human beings, who are different from you. You have a right not to accept homosexuality. Δεν έχεις όμως το δικαίωμα να τους αποκαλείς αφύσικους και ανώμαλους.Το δικαίωμα να σε αποκαλώ μισάνθρωπο, you gave it to me with your behavior. So when you define others, such as for example based on their sexual orientation, then I'll nominate you too, based on your behavior towards them. I've told you before and I'll tell you again. Ότι δίνεις παίρνεις.Όταν εσύ περιμένεις από άλλους επιχείρηματα λογικά, as you say, then you too must behave sensibly, something you have failed to do so far.
The word 'hate' is a very strong word and it would be good to be careful how you use it and not to throw it where you feel out of anger with someone else. I neither hate homosexuals nor anyone, You probably have a problem with misanthropy because for someone so humane you have used the word half and misanthrope with alarming frequency.. No serious science has yet proven that homosexuality is natural, and this is proven by the same psychologists who sound the alarm in cases of families in which the child, instead of growing up with the natural family model, grows up with a homosexual couple. If you don't want to accept simple organic things, that's your issue. And stop the nonsense about supposed violence. I have not physically abused anyone. I speak my opinion as a free citizen and anyone who does not accept this should stop pretending to be a democrat. The fact that homosexuality is allowed does not mean that it is normal. It is normal,what's wrong with nature and nature doesn't ask your knowledge or mine. The fact that I recognize and clearly tell the natural from the unnatural does not in any way make me a misanthrope. These are your fantasies that you want to believe that anyone who doesn't agree with you must be either a psychopath or a criminal. So to answer your point as well, your tendency to call someone who calls homosexuality unnatural a misanthrope is immature, pseudo-emotional and exaggerated not to say silly. As for what you said above to the other person that I have no right to come here and say that homosexuality is unnatural..who told you that? Freedom of speech means freedom to say what you believe even if it bothers others. This is real freedom. If you consider freedom only o,what do you like to hear then this is called censorship and the hypocrisy is yours not mine. I am clear about my views. You are the one who keeps changing the meanings of democracy and fascism to suit you. So I won't do anything else with you. Your word against mine. My opinions remain because I'm sure you're dying to have the final conversation and answer, I will leave you the satisfaction of being the last one to answer. I don't have to prove anything to you because I simply don't owe you anything. Good evening!
Because we answered one up here and one down here? Let's calm down a bit about what we were going to answer because I was a bit dizzy.
You're right. Let's settle down, because from what I saw you have written a new comment, to which I want to answer you, λίγο αργότερα όμως.Αλλά, if I'm not mistaken (if i do correct me), you wrote a new comment here and I can't find it now. I read it lie, but i was so very tired, I don't remember what you wrote. All I remember, is that you had commented on something in my reply to Thanae above. Unless I was hallucinating from the fatigue and I don't know what's happening to me. If you can and have the time and inclination to write it again, do it. If not, δεν πειράζει.Αλλά, I want to say the following again. To administrators who delete comments, either mine or others'. cut it. Or delete them all, or, you allow it all.
I had written something here yesterday but because I saw that you had answered me and later on below I deleted it because it was a bit unnecessary. What the administrators are doing has irritated me too. Sometimes they approve a comment and sometimes they don't, I don't understand what they are doing or if they are trolling. In the meantime, we have also cut down on the heavy swearing, but they disappear like this and in a different way. Earlier, when we used to swear more, most of them left them..o,What do Yes. See my last reply below.
I wanted to ask you something? Without taking sides because in general I'm bored of dealing with online sparring too much, However, I have a question. In order for someone to be considered 'homophobic', it is necessary to be afraid of the whole topic of homosexuality and to have clearly stated that he hates homosexuals. If you look at Nessie's initial comments what she says (in a bad way, sure, but he says it clearly), is that he accepts the rights of homosexuals to be what they are, what he does NOT accept is the imposition of their way of life on society. As she says, this is her inalienable right and from your comments I cannot understand why this fight has arisen between you. I don't like the way he writes, but neither do what you write.. your comments show that you consider every person who does not accept homosexuality (something that is his right), subhuman, kid and different but from what you said and I'm sorry too but that's besides the fact that he doesn't respect you as a human being, nor does it honor the gay community who generally fight for freedom of opinion and lifestyle.. As a homosexual would not want to be labeled a 'kid' for his views and life, the same is not true of other people...regardless of whether you disagree or not, it's at least rude to call someone a kid and sick because they don't like something you like. And it's time to stop 'psychiatricizing' other people every time we disagree with them. Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't mean they need psychiatric help, otherwise we should all be in the madhouse together. And let me give you a piece of advice..as long as you keep cursing her, how long will you convince her of the opposite of what you say. Always friendly advice, these from me.
Thanae, homophobia is called the aversion or discrimination against LGBT people. Homophobia includes hatred and disapproval, which leads to the manifestation of intolerance, κάτι το οποίο εκδήλώνεται μέσω λεκτικής και συχνά σωματικής βίας.Δικαίωμα στον οποιονδήποτε φυσικά να μην αποδέχεται την ομοφυλοφυλία. But when, a person like Nessie comes along and talks about propaganda and fascism and calls homosexuality an unnatural act and abnormality, this he has no right to do. This does not obey a person either, who accepts the rights of others, regardless of whether he says he accepts them. Αυτά είναι υποκρισίες.Επίσης δεν προσπαθούν να επιβάλουν τον τρόπο ζωής τους στους άλλους όπως ισχυρίζεται η Nessie και αν το πιστεύεις και εσύ αυτό, then you are making a big mistake. All they ask for is a bill, which offers them the possibility of not being exposed to racism, the rejection, stalking and of course violence. Whether it is physical or verbal. In short, they also want to live their lives without any fear. Το δικαιούνται.Όσο αφορά τα υπόλοιπα περι γιδιού και τα λοιπά, yes i don't care. Just like he doesn't honor Nessie either, her own behavior. But as I have already mentioned to her in my previous comment, ότι δίνεις παίρνεις.Ελπίζω να σε έχω καλύψει.
And because my above message was not approved by o,What do I see (Censorship holds up well) I will repeat it briefly. The supposed homosexuality in nature that you are talking about has long been proven to be a 'myth' by real scientists.. it's a shame you haven't been informed. And no, homosexuality is not normal, my dear, I am sorry. It is normal and a rule of nature,what obeys its rules and normal is the symbiosis and reproduction between males and females. The,anything else is para-natural and has nothing to do with the laws of nature. The nonsense you say are myths and nonsense from a pseudoscience that some people use to support their stupidity. The so-called science you are selling us could easily be classified in the same category as the 'science' of the zodiac. I won't comment on your irony, besides, who is more pissed off is evident from your obvious attempt to make a problem out of a person who disagrees with your views, and this ridicules and exposes you first of all. The fact that you go to such lengths to make a person who does not accept homosexuality sick shows not only that you are the one who has huge reservations about yourself, but it also shows how secret-fascist you are. It's a classic tactic of fascism to try to silence the other person using psychological blackmail and insults and I'm glad you express yourself so freely. So try to solve your problems with a psychiatrist first and then sell smarts.