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Motorist passes over protesters in Sao Paulo

On April 28, 2017 in Sao Paulo, Protesters blocked a highway to protest against the government's austerity policy.

Thirty people settled on the highway to block traffic, but the driver of a black car quickly lost patience and went through the crowd. Two women were hospitalized in the hospital and came out the same night. The driver was arrested.

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  1. Vassilis Larisis says:

    They had to go out with guns if they were really right not to shake or fly. To show how hen it and the other behind the wheel. So does anyone who has right. Only the Greek passive sitting in the difficult.

  2. Vassilis Larisis says:

    Here we take a position in incident monitor for less than a minute and that happened in another country; nicely, So the driver was drunk, karatomenos and beaten and, German national, communist. Protesters were friends of the former and the new Amore by which the ate yesterday when he caught them do flounce into the house while he was missing. He saw after the camera and just acknowledged it took its blood behind. But he will not come out alive from prison. They will eat the twins cousins ​​from Romania with mustache.

  3. Andreas says:

    I do not know if the driver's fault or the protesters that afflict the world.

    • Vassilis Larisis says:

      Protesters harass and terrorize taiporimenoi; (E), not da. There are still people today who think they are better than others, that gave birth to them better mother. One of them was driving a black car in Galia. Yes, Gallium with a lambda.

  4. Derbisis says:

    The demonstrators had permission to close the road ; If there were, They will lose the trial.

    • Vassilis Larisis says:

      Because they entered illegally on the street and one m @ decided to kill them will be vindicated; I hope you're wrong. let otherwise law repealed. Anyway for the church and the army does not apply, let us remove to protests the world without permission.