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Proof Rattlesnakes Don’t Want To Bite Unless Provoked | Nick TheWrangler

This just proves that Rattlesnakes are not out to harm us. They only bite as a last resort. Their venom is for hunting, it is valuable to them and they only use it when needed.

After a long day of searching for snakes in the hottest part of the day. I decided to take a break. 15 or so minutes later I heard a rustle in the brush next to me. I take a better look to see an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake crawling towards me, so i just sat there as still as possible. I thought he was going to keep on cruising by, but instead he decided to check me out. I tried to get him to keep moving but he rushed up onto my lap. This was a very close call. I was definitely out of my comfort zone but by Gods grace I wasn’t harmed.

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