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Woman escapes for skirmishers centimeters from the realm of ISIS

The journalist Hamza Hemze posted a video of a Kurdish machitrias of Women Protective Units (YPJ), as it saves a few centimeters from a ball of ISIS fighters in Syria Pakala.

As he had just shoot, the enemy projectile passed only a few centimeters from his head before nailed to the wall beside her. Displaying an impressive temper, The young woman leaned over with a big smile.

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  1. Parris says:

    Notice….he is wearing a camouflage uniform….on a white background (building walls)!!!…. Blue!!! kerchief (the only part of the body that the villains see…!!!! and white sock with a plastic slipper underneath... something doesn't sit right with me!!!!!!!!! and I don't mean stylistically…..

  2. Underarm says:

    lad first! 48kg Kakalas has this child! I had it for 3 classic wool sweater 4 hats and 2 scarves with patterns!

  3. Derbisis says:

    Innocent girl….they are exploiting her by sending her into the fire of battle and I imagine without even paying her except with the idea of ​​independence which means that if Kurdistan becomes independent it will have Kurdish rulers instead of Turks or Syrians it has now. Conclusion, Let the girl to study, to progress, to get a job , to get married . Give guns to the piano those who have an interest.

    • disqus_s_t_i_n_g says:

      Dervishes if they followed the same logic Kolokotronis Karaiskakis and the remaining Heroes 21, today you would shout allah snack bar….