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A German shop removes all foreign products from its shelves to combat racism

To combat racism, a large German surface has decided to leave on its shelves only items produced in the country. In Hamburg, a supermarket Edeka – the largest German retail group – wanted to mark the spirits by an unusual action.
In order to combat ambient xenophobia and to promote diversity, the large area has removed all imported products from its shelves. History to show what a store would look like under national protectionism, reports the local press.

The operation was carried out for a day last Saturday.

“Edeka defends diversity and we sell a wide range of goods that are produced in all regions of Germany but together with products from other countries we create the unique diversity that our customers appreciate,” s “A store spokesman told the Huffington Post.

On the shelves, instead of the missing items, messages like” Germany would be poorer without diversity. “

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