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No Happy Ending for Illegal Deforestation …

This clip, you should not normally see it. It was made by a talented team at the request of a large NGO whose name will not be mentioned. After a month of work at a very low salary, the NGO will finally refuse the film for fear of a bad reaction from Disney. Today, the director has decided to freely broadcast his parody clip without signature on Mr Mondialization so that this important work and the message it carries are lost. It’s up to us to give him the breath he deserves … Director: Louis Thomas With the participation of Vincent Garcia, Olivier Lescot, Jerome Pradet, Leo Schweitzer, Dorian Lee, Mathilde Loubes, Martin How, Alix Arrault, Ines Scheiber, Tristan Foal, Rémy Clarke, Joel Ravon, Eddy and Brunch Studios, and Charles-Philippe Bowles.

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