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Queue of climbers on the top of Mount Everest

On Wednesday, May 22, 2019, More than 300 climbers gathered on top of Everest, something that created some problems. A climber recorded this almost unrealistic video, where climbers forced to wait in a queue to reach the top of the mountain at 8848 meters. So why are there with so many people; Because the weather was favorable, and climbers all chose the spot to make their ascent. But to wait in the cold at this altitude is not something harmless. Climbers are in a so-called 'death zone', because from 8000 meters organ function strongly undermined due to the oxygen dilution and cold. It is estimated that 12 hours is the maximum that can support the human body in this height. Rescuers often said that there should be specific setting and mountaineers limit the top. But climbing Everest license granted by Nepal to all who request it.

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