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A small animation of our Juan Delcan shows why it is important to keep distance during the outbreak of coronavirus. Remember that we may be carriers of the virus without being ill. Staying home prevents spreading of the virus to a susceptible individual. Animation, a fire spreads in matches that are side by side. The spread stops when one of them takes the initiative to remove.
As so often and the first time I have the following questions!!!!
WHY vulnerable people from the outset had no command to sit and home specifically for bat!!!!
WHY to this day the government-state-whoever is considered an 'expert' has NOT given a SPECIAL PURPOSE LICENSE for as long as the pandemic lasts-until an antibiotic is found, to people who are vulnerable;;;;; whole but rather leave these antics style sit four days to ntantepsete children who do not go to school, NOT is the vulnerable group, but one of the 4 will be charged your personal license….. and you have people who have e.g.. type 1 diabetes forced to go to work in fear or on their own have to use up all their leave which is not even enough...until the end of the alarm...to protect themselves.
1st. Why someone who has children to sit at home with children locked inside when you force the vulnerable to go out to work;;;
2nd Why instead of destroying the country's economy you do not consume all the infrastructure and the surplus in the support and effective protection of the vulnerable groups;;; eg provide them with home delivery of food, free masks and antiseptics
3rd Why do not you put the police to guard the ballast, that is, the grandparents who do NOT boast and go to cafes and playgrounds or squares and of course to churches.. make them sign a letter of responsibility stating that they do NOT want to be treated if they get sick or even better that they will take from their personal property the money that will be spent to get well (if they do well and don't leave us time...)
4th the issue is not how many will go out for work... the issue is that those who should NOT go out should NOT go out...
5th I think elementary school math is enough for everyone to understand that it is easier to limit 10% of the population than 100%
6th even if you are determined for big moves or desperate and completely unprepared because you simply don't have a protocol - memorandum of actions for pandemics...(For example, based on legislation in every public service there is a memorandum of action for cases of natural disasters (flood-earthquake-fire ..) AT LEAST MAKE CATHOLIC-HORIZONTAL ENFORCEMENT FOR 15 DAYS…let's say 20 with closure of EVERYWHERE…airports…ports…trains and residential restriction strictly and non-negotiable to have immediate effect….