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How fast are you at your job;

A woman in China assembles transformers with incredible speed. At some point the Chinese will replace robots.

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  1. dimitris81 says:

    As hurt and your robots, it appears that is the Chinese,so we count.. And if there is ekglwbismenoi in the system. Unfortunately they tolerate many. There will tell you want to do 500kommatia the day.. Αν βγάζεις 400 έφυγες..είναι και πολλοί.Οπότε θες δεν θές ,sit and do it and not talk at all. Το ίδιο συμβαίνει και εδώ αλλά σε μικρότερη κλίμακα…που πλέον δεν ειναι και τόσο μικρή

  2. Slayer says:

    The Chinese are dedicated types. If we talk about quality, Yes it can be done more hurt from us and more robots from us (due devotion). If we talk about quantity then you probably lose because we are definitely more blemenoys in proportion than the Chinese (see. representative, for each country, πολιτικό σύστημα και αντίστοιχη οικονομία)

  3. Petros says:

    Zw anamesa se Korea, Kina kai Filippines, me apotelesma na gnwrizw arketa kala autous tous laous tis asias. Einai ergatikoi, systimatikoi se kathe ergasia kai poly ypakouoi, an auto ennoeis rompotakia..

    Skepsou mono oti kathe euro kai dollario pou typwnetai kataligei se autes tis xwres file mou.. Auto einai to thema..

    Vlammenos kai rompotaki eisai esy pou sxoliazeis dixws na skefteis me to mikro sou kai kollimeno myalo…

    • Nikos Panagos says:

      Ρε φίλε τι μας λες; At the beginning you admit that the Chinese are robots, and after about the dollars that go to China as if they end up in the pockets of workers. The Chinese aren't simply hurt, αλλά έχουν μετατραπεί σε απαθείς μηχανές που δουλεύουν 16 ώρες για ένα κομμάτι ψωμί. And you should know better.

      • petros says:

        ean den katalaves kala lew oti einai ergatikoi, systimatikoi kai ypakouoi sti douleia tous, diafonwntas me ton xaraktirismo “rompotakia”. .
        Sto katw katw oloi stin europi kleismenoi se ena grafeio einai douleuontas 10wra gia ena afentiko kai ena kommati psomi episis..

  4. cafeine says:

    “Κάποια στιγμή οι Κινέζοι θα αντικαταστήσουν τα ρομπότ.” …..χαχαχα…ατάκα…….

    πάντως seriously οι κινέζοι πρέπει να είναι εντελώς βλαμμένοι και ρομποτάκια….