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On the afternoon of Monday, March 14, 2022, η Marina Ovsyannikova, employee of the state television channel Первый канал (Channel One), interrupted the live broadcast of the Vremia news program, holding up a placard that read 'No to war. Do not believe the propaganda. They are lying to you ', while shouting “Stop the war! Not in war!». Ovsyannikova Arrested and faces charges of 'discrediting the Russian armed forces'. In a video previously recorded and published by the NGO defending the rights of protesters, Marina Ovsiannikova explains that her father is Ukrainian and her mother is Russian, and can not see the two countries as enemies. 'What is happening in Ukraine is a crime, and Russia is the attacker. The responsibility for this aggression lies with one person: Vladimir Putin. My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Russian. Russia must stop this fratricidal war immediately. Unfortunately, I have been working for Perviy Kanal for the last few years. I broadcast the Kremlin propaganda and I am really ashamed of it. I'm ashamed that I allowed lies to be told on TV screens. It is a shame that I allowed the Russian people to be deceived. Demonstrate. Do not be afraid of anything. They can not imprison us all '.