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And then they tell you to have children...

A boy hits his mother with a Nerf gun as she paints the room. The result was disastrous.

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  1. Juan Carlos says:

    Que estupidez ese niño es un imbécil no sabe respetar a nadie así es estados unidos pues hace time en mi país le sacaban la mierda y lo dejaban sin comer y así se crío a todos los hombres y mujeres del siglo 20 y son hombres y mujeres de bien

  2. Didou says:

    The brush has no paint

  3. Dimitris81 says:

    The video is a 'show' to get likes. It's rigged.
    1. He is painting and has not properly removed the carpet for any splashes.
    2. When he falls he didn't even instinctively try to keep the disk in balance. All of us when we fall and hold something we shouldn't
    spilled we strive for the best result regardless of the outcome it may have. Even more so when we hold a disc with such color in such a space.
    3. And the most important, instead of climbing to the third step and treading firmly, he preferred the 2nd and on the tips without holding on anywhere i.e. in full balance and all this because it was safer to dive with his back board towards the couch. In 3rd it would be dangerous.

  4. Gigi says:

    The child lives?

  5. kapoios says:

    He may have gone blind (I want to believe not) if it got in her eyes...