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The Stephen Hawking explains the paradox of crazy scientist with time machine, and why something like this could not ever happen in reality
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if it will be possible in 1000 years means that some of the 3000 Right now in our party PRESENT. So why not to interfere or to change things after you know the symbei has in the past and can elenxei; It means that if you go to the time of the 2nd world war would kill hitler and the people of today 2012 poppers the next day and the hitler would vanished from their memory, from books, files and documents; Such a change has an effect on culture and other areas. This change has effect and in technological development. So with such a move the man of the future when I return to the dates of (the future for us, present for him), You may not have invented the time machine due to the inactivity of the technological development with the specific, in the past, motion.
No matter how many years pass it will not be possible to travel to the past it is something that does not exist and neither is it possible to travel to the future of the type if you are in a ship in orbit for example around a black hole and you are moving fast enough for 2 weeks when you stop and return to earth 35 years will have passed it's like you've traveled to the future that's the only way it can be when we have the technology hence the 1000 years and well not with time machines but fairy tales, the time is not real this is exemplified by the theory of Einstein
The time is subject to alterations , There is evidence for this . There is also the theory that every fact begin infinite temporal branches , with all the possible outcomes . This video only deals with one aspect of a matter terribly complex . Εικασίες μόνο μπορούμε να κάνουμε χωρίς πειραματική απόδειξη … αλλά ενδιαφέρουσες εικασίες :)
being traveled in the past would never be possible in the future is possible in theory and in 1000 years and perhaps practical!