No Parking
01/05/2012 |
| There are few times that we find to display remarkable short film by Greek authors. The ' No Parking ' of Stamou Tsami It is one of those who stand out and really shocked us. Description: The era in which we live is not characterized by considerable idealism. Most people in everyday life problems encountered or in Chase of profit and success is easy to lose their sensitivity for social groups who want support. The recognition of the rights of persons with disabilities (DISABLED GUESTS) It is a non-negotiable constitutional right of every civilized society.
Nice topic, I don't think they ever catch in Greece, αλλα η προσπάθεια μετράει.Εχω ομως μια απορία ρε παιδιά. That somebody? XD
There are eidika disabled driving systems, where the throttle and brake are adjusted in special handles. The car of course will have automatic.