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Video of shame for a dog

The Maymo is a Beagle with many bad habits. So his boss decided to publicly diapompeysei him as punishment for his disobedience.

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  1. Vaso Mitropoulou says:

    I think it is unfortunate the title video. Had to write

  2. Kleitos says:

    I didn't find any difference with my own dog. The same make and me mine.

  3. funnyperson says:

    geloiotites of a geloioy afentikoy. OLA Ta skilia Pano Kato Ta idia Kanoun! I loved anymore!!!

    • George says:

      I like that you put and funnyperson name. Humor makes the man. Didn't make it to the dog xeftylisei! To show the funny mischief of did.