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The Agency 'Action Against Hunger'he did an interesting experiment to show us how the kids react when they feel the disparity between the. All 20 children who took part shared their food.
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I wonder what if we switch the nutella sandwich with a toy, the sharing aspect would have given us the same result?
“The Child is the Father of Man” a poet once said in “Ode to Immortality” by W.Wordsworth
Utopia is. Born with man. The man with the passage of time he ignores and destroys. We need a world that control the pure emotions. But we can have him;
The experiment of course not representative since the sample is small, but it is interesting that the children were alone, without adults and they not each other. This for some who say that children do not share but what happens when we parents up front or in relationships that we play and we ( known for the whole family). Certainly the video puts in thoughts. The word propaganda is not good roia and even if it is not true it would be fabulous to affected people and to share. However, as truth is that the man has been competing and other instincts so that atlei is true pleasure from sharing
regardless of what is right is political propaganda video, ξέρετε πολλά παιδάκια που θα μοιράζονταν τα “δικά” τους; not because the children are driven by the survival instinct which makes egocentric. The share (in balance) κάτι δικό τους έρχεται αργότερα με την Λογική και την εκπαίδευση.σ.σ. attention to the notion of BALANCE
Are you a little paparas so; Admit it.
Bravo!you managed to take your bile and guilt that you're prank and selfish and make your children so in second just comment!congratulations! I'm sure he wanted to be the first. never mind. the next proof that humans are capable of another society will do!
I totally agree with you!!! All the essential values of human existence learned, There are no means to all children!! Man is born just with some instincts and nothing else. Αλίμονο αν αφήναμε τη “παιδική και αγνή αθώα” ψυχή μας να μας οδηγήσει στη ζωή μας!! We would just animals that follow each momentum!! Τα υπόλοιπα περί ηθικής και “καλού” και “κακού” είναι αξίες που οι ενήλικοι έχουν στο μυαλό τους και βλέποντας ένα παιδί να κάνει κάτι το ερμηνέουν ανάλογα με την ηθική τους!! Οι ανώτερες αξίες του ανθρώπου είναι θέμα εκπαίδευσης… και μάλιστα αρχαιοελληνικής..!
Πολλά απ’ αυτά τα παιδιά είναι σε προσχολική ηλικία, Some are not babies. Physical education is a matter of culture, But beyond any culture and civilization we are people.
I personally think that the different ideals and values, There are already within us, and this is what differentiates us from the rest after all animals that live in jungle society!!!
Thank goodness that there are our children to us what growing up forgotten thimizoun.. to share what,What we have and to love our neighbor anyone at any time!
Simply Amazing!!!
The deal is in human DNA, that go into adulthood;;!
Only those yet,αγνή ψυχή.”Έχε το νου σου,in child,because if spared the child,υπάρχει ελπίδα”.
Children grow !! How many of them will keep the purity and the purity of their souls;;;;
the best comment I have read that shadow