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A security camera captures a drunk man with his dog placed in the elevator. The man does not understand that the dog is outside the enclosure when the door closes automatically, and the animal will be left hanging from the leash until help from other guests. Eventually the dog provisionally loses his senses but comes back a few minutes after released, and is in good health of. The incident occurred on March 10 in St. Petersburg apartment building in Russia.
Stupid dog! Don't do that dirty shit!
Our Gamise PE Panagiotaki brwmopoystas sees a drowning dog and dreads what scared BRE Malaka drowning Malaka
the same the eswse dog , the tenants were looking at it...these things happen ( Ms worse) if a little bit escapes our attention...
The building is not an any. Rich condition for well-off tenants. The dog is not someone anyone Akita and it seems it is and very well cared for. What I mean is a) that was that was due to drunkenness and only and b) that the various viewing and leave or withdraw owing (rather) breed of dog, just fearing his reaction. A freaking 45-50kg Akita is…big bill. I'm not excusing anything...I feel so sorry for the dog and I just find it a crime for someone drunk to keep a dog, especially when he is able to hurt someone. What would happen if, for whatever reason, this 'dog' 'fell' on someone? Could this drunken 'gentleman' restrain him? A while ago I posted a video that someone in New York COP shoots and kills another dog, breed Pitbull, whose only 'sin was to try to protect ( as the dog's course of intelligence of said) its owner – who was completely 'pie' fallen on the pavement, from any passers-by choosing to attack the policeman who approached....
can you got and dikio, but...'you went' too far!What pisteyeis to IHE Gini, If instead the dog well in location(!) a man 70-80 kg? most likely they used to run up and down....
Poso was malakes avti? thee m DLD! How to ilithiotita a chwrsei mialo! to see him leave and suffers?
oloi adikeologitoi. apistefto ti perase to kaimeno. eftixos inborn kala tora.
…kai oso to koitaw 3ana…ma oute to louraki na 3epiasei, otan ton kratouse o allos?!
εστω…o ιδιοκτητης λιωμα… η κοπελα ετρεξε να ειδοποιησει…ο τυπος ομως με τα μαυρα…απαραδεκτος!
kala ti malakes einai oloi pane blepoun to skuli kai feugoun…..
(h) idiokthth apo thn arxh tou Malachi htan below nai kai oi alloi oute mia prospa8eia na tou bgaloun to louri h estw kati