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Able to solve the puzzle;

This large tile is divided into 63 small pieces. The presenter removes 3 of them without changing his structure. You can find the secret behind this trick;

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  1. Niram says:

    at 0:56 something is wrong with the 5th series….

  2. eirhnaki21 says:

    From 0:44 columns already have 10 boxes and not 9. screw completely

  3. ThatGuy says:

    to 2:19 suddenly we edited; To the Gulf.

  4. Harry says:

    7X9 IS ALWAYS. .

  5. Lefteris the other says:

    The trick is clearly seen in 2:34 where the middle pieces are lean…one before inside the form at 2:00 it's normal...

  6. Lefteris says:

    Shit guys. He has edited. He picks up other pieces from the box, others lay down!Mockery is!