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The man who never put it down

The Jon Calvo has always had a dream, to weaken. From when he was a small child was overweight and had been trying for several years to lose weight without result. But in 2010, when it reached 155 pounds decided to devote himself to the goal of, managing to lose 80 pounds in three years dieting and hard exercise.

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  1. Circusfreak Stella says:

    Kala re p @ pares APO Kato , the others lost 80 pounds with diet and exercise (Why not nowhere IDA to milai for lipoanarofisi!) and you just have to comment on is if has relaxed @ byzi ?! KATINES ! nor that you can imagine how DIFFICULT is this managed type! Chicory Aikioy talk !

  2. savasavram says:

    Αυτά έχει η λιποαναρόφηση… Βυζάκι@… Βυζ@ρες…Καλή προσπάθεια αλλά νομίζω ότι είναι καλύτερα ένας παχύς άνθρωπος που αδυνατίζει σταδιακά παρά αυτό το πράγμα…

  3. Ps2 says:

    OMG what have to say re trolls??ande koitachteite in the mirror to see a p @ p!r!

  4. Teo says:

    will the draw when tsatizetai

  5. Dimitris says:

    ...and the breasts@ what will he do with them now?;