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A cyclist saves and xegenna a cow

Two people from Agrinio bicyclists found a cow with a problem at the time of birth as passed by the province of Valtos. The cow was facing a problem and risked losing the life of. One of the two cyclists had the relevant expertise and managed to xegennisei the cow bringing to the world the little calf. Later managed to revive his mother.

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  1. George says:

    Bravo to the child who used gloves(This move essentially saved the life of moscharioy):):):)

  2. Geroderbisis says:

    Συγχαρητηρια στον ποδηλάδη …με συγκίνησε…όμως πως έτυχε να έχει μαζί του γάντια, was a veterinarian ; The soundtrack was sad and we go with the upbeat theme that is born a life.

    • videomangr says:

      Many cyclists take with them disposable gloves in case you need to correct a problem with the chain, so do not mess with the oils.

  3. Konstantinos Theodoridis says:

    μπράβο καταρχήν για τις γνώσεις και την σιγουριά που είχε το παιδι….εγώ δεν θα ήξερα σαν αθηναίος και ντροπή μου ούτε καν τι έχει και πως να το χειριστώ.καταδεύτερον μπράβο γιατί έτσι που έχει γίνει ο κόσμος περίεργος και καταστρεπτικός, There are still people who care and make us proud of our species.

  4. GABRIEL says:


  5. dimitris81 says:

    Mprἀbo âñå children.. Thankfully, that cyclists weren't Athenians :)