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Father tells us about a diabolical game that lurks to do harm to us and our children. Your comments…
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what has the population become these days? a poor toy had to stay next to that man, hearing, what nonsense he was talking. i am disgusted.
ego Leo Oti xefeygete APO t sub k do chabale while t things are very serious k you just do plate!but the rest is to wait when a people like us takes out the tsipras for a deputy minister the HIMSELF ANTICHRIST who wants to abolish prayer in schools and wants us to marry Syrians who are Muslims and they simply came here to spread Islam with this I WANT and we just feel sorry for them because they are 'refugees' so either we are that stupid or we are acting stupid and both are sad because in the end we will be destroyed!!
I wish something now but it's Christmas
Exorcism of furby became a song…https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=193&v=PaGatCISfY0
Simfono evi mou ma poios katalavei?
Read your comments Bob sorry poly and I hope that at least you're not Orthodox Christians why if you're rather call only,you're not!one must have respect to our priests,the priest he helped poly world he had demons inside of or who made yeast,and so many games coming out on the market are hurting our children in their soul,the Barbie for example Yes is a model of anorexia and porneias,If the daughter I intended not to complain that profit or a three of you wants to be dressed and dyed like this,and that game if you buy behaves so outlandish th fact is both a spasmodic and evil that only garbage should eat,pirane a video where the Pater speaks the most wise words for our children and koroϊdepsame,the blastimisane,and if it was any other videos you'll theopoioysate,Aug is the plight of us and then we wonder why we happen so bad,rightly occur,the Pater he helped poly world in General if you see and other videos!Ligo does not respect,everyone comes in and writes it down in his head and give reason to God for self!You can find me now and me fearlessly,My answer is most correct,My silence!the Lord help us!Amin
really the Pater is the premium prezakias and says it is the ferby is the devil is on the papas geleia this
intended says the porneia Mesa. now exigeitai why so the I to cat ,He used to get up and stick 20 euros on his forehead....
Pau and ego the Pira in my child
omg zoa pou pisteyete oti o ferbi einai o diavolos kai o satanas
Grandma back is all the money!!!!!
Imagine now the go no chucky doll what has become.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FEQkz1AL4YWOW WHAT PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE
No eh father the mperdepses Devil becomes if the taiseis after 12 midnight.
All the money the ekstasikofobismeno style of mantiloforemenis, left of the Pope
posooooooooo PAPAras …den uparxoun auta p leei..proskunw:P
Misunderstood Fermpi <3
hahahahaha... except from hell and beyond.... It is and prostitution,oooli, μεσα στον φερμπι…ουτε που θα το φανταζόμουν……Υ.Γ φαντάσου ο Τσάκυ τι εχει να ακουσει… :P
The hell he found the Furby with this madman... But it works anyway,with the same money better k k a diabolo hell gift..
Drugs are bad, m'kay ?
when my child asks me 'mom, What does useful;” , I show this video's!!!!
Miria daimonismenoi Sarada, doylies've Papa chachachachachachacha
Yes it is known that the other name of the devil is Ferby..
What? the Earth is round?!!!! What utter Kale, a strong and expected fardia in turtles and elefantes! apapapapa! antichristoi!
H Global Earth was known from ancient Ages, εξάλλου οι Αυτοκράτορες του Βυζαντίου στα χέρια τους κρατάνε την Γή που είναι στρογγυλή με ένα σταυρό απο πάνω που δηλώνει την ΟΙΚΟΥΜΕΝΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ ΤΗΣ ΓΗΣ, If they believe that the earth is flat will kratage disc with a cross on tophttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
Home fucking thy kwlogere let Ted Kato
and the Moral lesson... Jumbos are the devil's house!!!