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Speaking for the Intelligence Agency, who organizes discussions on many important issues, the well-known British actor, author, journalist and comedian Stephen Fry among others argues on the view that the Parthenon marbles should be returned to Athens.
Δεν γνώριζα ότι στην αρχαία Ελλάδα η παιδεραστίαθριάμβευε, what does it mean that most Greeks were pedophiles; Μήπωςήταν και πούστηδες απόψεις που βολεύουν τους παιδεραστές και τους πούστηδες καιπερνάει ιδέες επ’ ευκαιρία των δίκαιων θέσεων για την επιστροφή των γλυπτών οπονηρός άγγλος απόγονος του Έλγιν;
Maybe not most, but too many.
I personally do not understand why should embellish things and hide behind the finger mas.To that was pederasty in ancient Greece is historically indisputable and so probably there were then no one omofylofiloi.Tora not told that they were all pedophiles and homosexuals but ( and thumbs) that just was socially accepted fact unlike today ( second key, pedophilia is as it should be illegal).No I am one of them but I have no purpose to consider the lower or deprive them no rights nor be offended by a simple historical fact.
What wonderful and moving speech, with wisdom, humanity, culture and fine humor, diplomacy and mastery. The assessment of each instrument should take into account and incentives( The selfish NO) this. Because it is obvious that Mr. FRY had no selfishness, this is another reason that makes his speech shocking. Culture Minister, and this is a requirement, should immediately recognize the, to approach him and to express in any way he thinks the gratitude of the Greek people( at least the majority of because there are many who imagine things).
congratulations mr. Stephen Fry , thank you . The greetings from Greece
Well said Mr Fry , The marbles belong in greece . We can only hope that one day the Brits will agree to do the right thing.
Before you start generalising and blaming all the”Brits”, I think you will find that a large majority of the British population voted in favour of their return to Greece.
unbelievable eloquence and argumentation.a big thanks.
So you wrote to greeklish e; Why so glorifies the country!
Congratulation Mr. Stephen great speech I hope that our Greek treasures of our history will be return to Athens Greece is the country that gave the light to the world
Θα μπορουσα να τον ακουω επι ωρες….
This is the real truth and it takes a man to state it. Congratulations!!!
bloody marvellous
Yes, I agree……. but than would the Greek follow their example and return the Occupied Macedonian lands, rebuild destroyed Macedonian homes, re-honor the desecrated Macedonian graves or build memorials to the thousands murdered Macedonian women and children,or just allow the Greek citizens of Macedonian origin to visit their birth places before they die?? No,off course not!In 400 years the Ottomans did not kill and torture, murder and assimilate, do atrocities and pillage over the Greeks as the Greeks are doing , even today in the 21st century…… only thing this Byron-esk romantic actor managed to achieve is to present the distorted view of Ancient Athenians that had nothing to do with today Greece…and we all know that all the attributes he mentioned (philosophy, mathematics, algebra and so on) where invented by somebody else, the Greek only falsified it and stole the achievements done by somebody else, the Romans described it all, because they where the first to witness it …… except “pederastia” witch we all know is the Greek greatest achievement!
Take your medicine, sounds like you really need it!
if i remember well Alexander the Great spoke greek!!!! and his horse was called Voukefalas and not Zastava!!! I sugest you should read your history again….with not blind teachers
Mr Fry and yourself, give us a perfect lesson about the famous concepts of “Greeks” and “Barbarians”, Mr Fry, conscious and honest towards history and justice, feels guilty for his stolen marbles and is a real ” Greek, ” whereas yourself, falsifying history and insulting justice, you feel proud of your stolen identity , and you are an authentic Barbarian…..The Great.
What the hell are you talking about?Go back to the steppes where you came from, Mongol!If anyone stole anything from someone like you that would be the Tatars or the Huns and that would be far away from Greece or Macedonia or any other place you think you have any link with. As if the Greeks have been selling propaganda since the beginning of time, when everything you know about humanity comes from the writings of Greek people. Be thankful, and stop imagining things. Gioule gioule Boudalů!
Ignorance and fanaticism is a grave combination!!!One should be proud of his true heritage and not try to assimilate one that does not belong to him/her using silly unsupported-by-history arguments.Just as a Chinese that lives in the USA is not an “American”, a Bulgarian that lives in Macedonia is not a “Macedonian”!!!ALL Bulgarians should be proud to be “Bulgarians” whether they live in Bulgaria, Canada, Australia or Greece!!!
i think it is time my friend that we must discuss greece to take back the regions that we lost!so move your ass from skopje and go to search your history roots!i am not nice with you!great alexander were GREEK-MACEDONIAN,HE was not slav or bulgarian or barbarian!karasarlidispavlos@hotmail.com
I’m not trying to be offensive but I can’t help it but be sarcastic.Really could you please mention who is this someone else you are constantly reffering to?I would really like to know who this is.Is that someone that has to be macedonian 23 centuries before Macedonia?And please PLEASE could you provide any proof or evidence of greece oppresing Macedonia the past years?I would be so thankfull!moron.
Stephen Fry is a gentleman and a sport! Approaches like his are what made GB great and not shallow arguments in defense for the non return of the marbles, which expose GB and cast shame on this nation’s great history.Where do we stop? Well, the criteria mentioned in S.Fry’s presentation are the ones to be used for other countries potential claims. The marbles’ uniqueness in that they form an indispensable physical part of a unique temple which stands till today, literally waiting for their return is the important criterion to be used.Lets show that we still continue to be a great nation!CONGRATULATIONS Mr. Fry!
Grate!! Congratulations Mr. Fry . You put tears into my eyes. Thank you , thank you .
What a great speech! How beautiful it is to see people calmly expose their arguments, especially since it is not even Greek Mr. Fry (On paper, soul is certainly). Μόνο δυστυχώς το αστείο που έκανε για τα “public schools” αδικήθηκε από τη μετάφραση. He did not mean public schools, the opposite!!!
I agree completely with Mr Fry on this matter. It’s absurd that we’re still yet to return them, and it would be a lovely gesture to do so now.
Mr. Stephen Fry has demonstrated, through his works, in the society at large, his intelligence, creative spirits and unsurpassed teachings…Return to the moral roots a.k.a “Deus Meumque Jus” as depicted in his creation “V for Vendetta” along the lines of “Ordo ab Chao”…And he is absolutely right!!! The honorable British nation does not depend on “looted” archeological facts to justify its greatness. On the contrary!!! The great British nation has properly interpreted the teachings of its predecessors (as per Stephen Fry) and by restoring the righteous ownership of any spiritual and material belongings, and not only, can, subsequently, bright and shine, yet again!!! …And, by supporting Greeks to re-gain their cultural identity, what would constitute a more efficient spiritual uprise and proof???
Mr Fry, what a perfect speech!!!!!!!!!!!!Congratulations
The type of British Gentleman I was refered too in History…thank you Mr. Fry.And what a stand!
I wish I spoke and Greek as atos.Na continue to seek the Parthenon Marbles shall be why the Parthenon rather the Elgin
Let not the wake up!!!
There is a book of 1999 by St. William Clair, Άγγλου συγγραφέα ο οποίος περιγράφει όλη τη ιστορία σχετικά με τα μάρμαρα και τον ίδιο τον Έλγιν.Θυμάμαι χαρακτηριστικά να αναφέρει ότι ακόμα και οι Τούρκοι που παρακολουθούσαν την αποκαθήλωση των μαρμάρων έκλαιγαν από τις καταστροφές που γίνονταν.Δεν ξέρω εάν κυκλοφορεί ακόμα αυτό το βιβλίο διότι τα Ελληνικά Γράμματα έκλεισαν, but deserves to be sought. The fact that the source is not Greek makes it more reliable ally in claim s marbles:– http://www.bookia.gr/index.php?action=book&bookid=21038
health, συγκινητικός Ο Stephen Fry μιλᾶ διὰ τὴν ἐπιστροφήν ὂχι μόνον τῶν ΚΑΡΥΑΤΙΔΩΝ ἀλλά καὶ τῶν ἑκατοντάδων καὶ χιλιάδων ἀποκομμένων ἀνάγλυφων τοῦ Παρθενῶνος…
It has changed the toning system
Thank You, Mr. Frey, from the bottom of oyr hearts. We need real friends right now.
An honest man, even if just speaking solicitors sometimes. It is positive that important people have shown their value in active, They see things more kathara.Se Unlike children silly fools policies.
Moving, although he says it exactly right. Elgin never got permission to get the statues from the Ottomans, He got permission to study- As far as I know at least. Also scandal had become ill with the statues of the English (the cleaned with wire brushes to maintain their whiteness) δεν το λες και “διατήρηση” αυτό. Nevertheless always love Fry and give much respect. Something you may not know is that he had become a referendum on their return prior years in England and the British public voted. We have enough allies on this issue and does not need to toooso always very just someone dikaiwnei in the,What concerns our culture because it is a bit like not the wait already-thing derogatory. I say this because we are generally tending to trelenomaste once someone give us little attention.
According to the responsibility Jese does not matter
Judging by thee, τα μάρμαρα καλύτερα να μείνουν εκεί που είναι.Κρίνοντας από άλλους, You must return.
I do not think I said anything that affects your
Mazi Sou Elvis, rather than be happy that at last the little attention given to us is in favour of Greece, have bitten its own tail. Is preferable to dealing with our economic mess and the strikes.. …
It is true that he never got permission to Elgin to remove the metopes but is a bit difficult to prove since the firman is not in its original form and this whole discussion rather tiring and confuses the very world that does not understand and many. Έχεις επίσης δίκιο για τον καθαρισμό που ήταν καταστροφικός.Ο λόγος που αυτά δεν αναφέρονται είναι η όλη λογική της ομιλίας του Fry που απευθύνεται στο Βρετανικό κοινό: “Ναι, τα αποκτήσαμε με κάποιο τρόπο και τα προσέξαμε όλο αυτόν τον καιρό αλλά είναι ώρα να τα επιστρέψουμε με αξιοπρέπεια”. Make reference to the rough way to obtain the marbles from a country under occupation and with an expression (ripped from) focuses on catastrophic way of the cross. If spoke earlier for stealing, καταστροφές από αμέλεια και τέτοια τότε η ομιλία θα έπρεπε να είναι εντελώς επιθετική που δεν είναι καθόλου στο στυλ του Stephen Fry και δεν θα είχε την ίδια ανταπόκριση από το κοινό.Και για τα υπόλοιπα περί προσοχής συμφωνώ απολύτως.
Based on this book's, got a license, by the Sultan in Istanbul where when Ambassador. Had a local representative in Athens called Loyzieri (If I remember correctly) ο οποίος έκανε όλη τη δουλειά.– http://www.bookia.gr/index.php?action=book&bookid=21038Στο ερώτημα “γιατί έκανες ότι έκανες” ο Έλγιν απαντάει “για να αναπτυχθούν οι τέχνες στην Αγγλία”. Ήθελε τα μάρμαρα ως εκμαγεία για την παραγωγή αντιγράφων και την έμπνευση – εκπαίδευση των Άγγλων καλλιτεχνών.Ήταν απίστευτες οι καταστροφές. From breaks parts fall and kommatiazontan, by brushing with wire brushes to the eve of marbles in the garden of Elgin for years, without any protection. At the Museum, written by Sinclair, έχουν τοποθετήσει τα αγάλματα με τέτοιον τρόπο ώστε να μην φαίνονται τα σημάδια από την “προστασία που υπέστησαν” από τους Άγγλους.Η ειρωνεία είναι ότι ο Έλγιν δεν πάτησε ποτέ το πόδι του στην Ελλάδα!.
Θα ήταν λίγο… άκομψο μιλώντας σε Βρεττανούς να αναφέρει την κακομεταχείριση που που υπέστησαν τα γλυπτά απο τους ίδιους, δε νομίζεις….? He wants a little diplomacy and tact the theme, We go like tsompano in the fold when you argue and negotiate. Οσο για τον “ενθουσιασμό” που λες όταν κάποιος δικαιώνει τον πολιτισμό ΜΑΣ, θα πρέπει να αναζητήσεις τις αιτίες στο εγχώριο αριστερό “λόμπυ”, that has put systematically and all his forces in recent years to deconstruct the,τι κάνει εθνικά υπερήφανο αυτόν τον λαό…!
I have not referred anywhere in political piece my dear, neither looked for the causes that are varied, I refer to the score and how to handle it with dignity. I agree that he wants diplomacy issue and of course I understand how and why the handled so, Don't correct him – there is no sense, comment on what and give an additional information for us that will read the comment. Argumentation-based diplomacy but rather to hide the truth. Can anyone be absolutely civilized and sincerity of breaking bones with a good speaking. Although actually I understand the stance of Fry, the assumption of truth, in no way is associated with tsompania, I guess the lie is more related to this.
It's not just the leftists dude. Is that anyone ΄Ellinas or stranger take our part of the we disdain and do like they do not need. On the contrary, We need and the last man of this planet that will take our side for the return of the marbles. Everyone from those who deal with returning will put his own twist and perhaps succeed once the desired result. Nobody is in excess. Small, potty, but large and powerful will be our allies.
Than I know Elgin took the license and to study and to get the marbles you wanted. But the topic is irrelevant anyway as he explains the Fry with the analogy proposed by the occupied Netherlands. On the other hand I must say that there is something positive in that Elgin got the marbles. Elgin did not got it all, and of those who did not get pulled out casts. We may well today to observe the devastation suffered by the Marbles that remained in the Parthenon and acid rain and polluted air for many decades. In some places whole persons disappeared.
Allies we score we don't have and don't need the respect if not accompanied by acceptance isn't rapper man nor hip-hop dancer ,simple is indeed much more Greek and obsessed with Greek history from that very Greeks indifferent ,comment on safe, is tepid,imimatheis and yperoptikoi. Bravo in Stephen Fry and in every man who still loves and trying in his own way for this homeland from his own post whatever she, any positive effort is not negligible,as long as it is done.
kataferate something nice that lechthike for our country and positive to make anoysia often,thelontas to show the your prwsopikes job. γενικα με το να προβαλουμε σε καθε ευκαιρεια ενα “εγω’ δεν παμε μπροστα.
It took supposedly license but nothing is certain. Nor is it certain that mistreating. Others say he used them as decorations at events. But nothing is proven.
Besides a brilliantactor, Mr. Fry is a true gentleman, a rare species missing even from the UK nowadaysCongratulations Mr. Fry
I would Like to Give Mr. Stephen Fry MY SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS AND DECLARE HIM A Great GREEK Philosopher A SCHOLAR A Greek HONORARY ATHENIAN CITIZEN . Mr. Stephen Fry Proved beyond any Doubt that He Is a Real Gentleman . He did what A lot of Greek Presidents and Prime Ministers Didn’t do For Greece. The Elgin Marbles Must be Returned to their Birthplace and As they are Part Of The Greek Cultural Heritage .
I like this comment very much. I just want to make a correction, because we are talking about the Parthenon Marbles or better the Parthenon Sculptures and not the “elginian marbles”! These are not just “marbles”, they are some of the finest works of art worldwide and they were never nobody’s ownership to give them other names, let alone “Elginian”…I hope you all agree…
Ms. Clio Papazoglou Hi , You are absolutely right about the “Elgine Marbles” So called the Parthenon Sculptures which were Taken From Parthenon while Greece was under Ottoman Turkish Occupation (Stolen in Fact ). Greece and Hellenism offered so much to Humanity , Civilization ,Philosophy and Gave the Light of Knowledge all over the World , and received not only Nothing in Return , but also the Theft of Parthenon Sculptures still remain as an unhealed open wound in the Body of Greece’s CULTURAL HERITAGE Without any Mercy or Healing from the British. The return and repatriation of these Athenian Marbles and Sculptures to their Birthplace to rejoice with their Culture will be The kind and proper Response to Heal finally the Elgine bad Wound to Greece .
There is however an element of fetichism in this discussion. Whether we like it or not, the sculptures are seen by greater number of and more diverse people in London, London being a more cosmopolitan and international center than Athens. And nobody dares say the exhibits are English. So, it may actually be a promotion of Greece. Same thing applies to Egyptian exhibits in the so called British museum, which after all has become a museum of colonialism, whatever that means. The point about there being some special value in the marbles returning 5 or 3 miles or 300 feet from where they were looted etc is, to say the least, over rated. This kind of thefts that went and still go on in many unfortunate places (see Iraq more recently) is part of world history, human uglyness, imperialism etc.ThanksManolis
Auth thn apoluth eilikrinia mono apo Agglo 8a thn sunantiso, Brilliant Speech Mr. Fry