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Speaking for the Intelligence Agency, who organizes discussions on many important issues, the well-known British actor, author, journalist and comedian Stephen Fry among others argues on the view that the Parthenon marbles should be returned to Athens.
The caryatids of the acropolis are crying for their sister you find in London !! The PARTHENON also crying for all his children !! BRING BACK THE STOLEN !!
The reason we do NOT officially call them either 'Elginia' or 'marbles' is because we degrade their value. The sculptures of the Parthenon is the official name.
Hello Mr Stefane. I think with thymastai. My last message to you but katholokliria and the internet was with the message number 77 in your own isostelida. Mention with such detail because all being the expected. Have entered in my telephone line and kalloyn phones where it is anegrammena to the list, let alone made the possibility of being use and the email me. Any way. This is the last time I communicate with you and I declare it to you as formally as I can. In addition, I would like to tell you that I was very happy to meet you and to tell you that our communication was the best, that much more pleasing and effective, and this is because in you. I wish Mr Stefane having stood at the Greek Parliament and the Greek members and being declared only with the sincere presence, the love for the land and the people of Canada and MSG opened their mouth ever. Honored us with the interesting you and being xeretai that this is recorded in our collective memory, of those who are sincerely interested in the fate of Greece and mainly in the safety of health and the development of the lives of its inhabitants. Today in the Church's sermon the danger of violating the values of Macedonia and Northern Greece was mentioned. How does big may being be, When the Foreign Ministers of Greece take care keep cutting back their composure, poem, for being is cool and the people; What I mean; How easy or difficult it is for our Northern border of them, having come and having come out of the US borders, traveling all over Greece with a 50 euro bus ticket to the most remote village, for being buy arable Land, When made achieved by hand of Government, monthly wages, having arrived at the level of their own value exagorastikis, ie 150 euros per month. It has opened 'their eyes' because they have winters with frosts, at least 6 months a year. The blue of the Sky, has them dazzle! Besides laboring not interested at all political and Ecclesiastical Power, why for, everyone is corrupt, During that occupation is the corruption of the public, the sale of arms and women. The most of the Government Agents so far, try being passed through their dieykolinsis conditions, in the opposite coasts of Turkey, abandoning them Greeks at the Roma of Bulgaria of Skopje and of Yugoslavia. At the good being go. WE THANK them from the Earth until the Door of Paradise. From text is at the mellima of the Lord for the how I ermineysi the Message of his believers, and how will take. However, there was someone or rather some 'politician' who tried to spread the message that Mosques should be built in Greece. Having them see them Athenians what will they do when the summer together with the heat, the lack of air conditioning usage, the unemployment, the probability of earthquakes and the lack of water supplies, the possible development of antiviral effects, to listen to Khondza during lunch hours and not understand what he tells them. I wanted to finish my last communication with you, through an information where I have gained personally, after my 6-month training work in the Stock Exchange trading department at the Central Commercial Bank of Kalamata in the second 6 months of 1999. The uproar with the stock market 'bubble' was over. Actually no transactions etelloynto, the receivers, investors had lost any interest. I'd be working on compiling a list of until then investors, with the correct personal information. After I gave to proothisw PPC newsletters, NEWSPHONE, LANTEC, EYROLINE,NEWMILLENNIUM with main contractors National Bank, Rural General Piraeus, Attica, Investments etc. Because I heard from a responsible Journalist, that Judicial, pushing forward the direction, finding evidence, thatan good, among former investors, having come the apodeixis their sale,so that, When and if you demonstrate any cheating of consumers, being attributed to them the amounts. Here I leave you, I thank you and again with all my Heart the, for the interest where shown and noiwthetai for us all, feel Gratitude, deepest Appreciation and wish I could help you, poem, poem in difficult and dangerous Weather conditions where dokimazeste. I beseech the God being Prostatepsi and having you save them with the Life SAFETY and the integrity of the people and of your spot. I wish I namastan and as Greeks and as Europeans we offer you having IKANOI the Voluntary assistance. KALI TYHI. GOD WITH YOU!!!
Although detail, but because with the mistake in subtitling the joke is lost... public school does not mean public school, you pay dearly The term public school refers to a group of older, more expensive and exclusive fee-paying private independent schools in the United Kingdom, particularly in England, which cater primarily for children aged between 13 and 18. Traditionally, these were boys’ boarding schools, …. term “public” being used to indicate that access to them was not restricted on the basis of religion, occupation or home location.
This lecture prooves that Great Britain’s noble spirit ,still exists .
Very nice speech and honestly touched me as a Greek. But also as a Greek I am extremely proud of the fact that the number 1 attraction in one of the most visited museums of the world is reek. We have enough ancient monuments to show in Athens – a few more wont actually change something. More tourists wont visit the Parthenon just because the marbles are back. On the other hand, the promotion that the country received through the Marbles being exhibited in the British museum, is immense. Lets start consuming our energy towards more important issues and forget abut the things that in the end of the day do not matter that much.
Dear Mr Stephanos, I could more than once to monitor your conversation, but should overcome the psychic pain where I am and having him describe reason of my visit today. I wish this by time being send a message to Mrs. Angela Merkel, sympatheias k΄symponias for the injury of and as far as I know many ladies Greek despite the Ordeal the, would agree with me. That is why I would like to personally dedicate the Troparion of the Church of Greece to you : Petitioner, EC Earth to the celestial, Hail the bridge; Hail point in O, Flogini, a sword, did not give in. A robber came, Rejoice in Heaven. I praise your power. It certainly refers to the Cross of the Lord. The ritual tradition in the Greek Society offers its people, belief – and may I correct your Secretary of State, Why come in our country, He said that under any illusions. Wrong Mrs. Angeliki and even if we wanted to listen to him we all turned our backs - that 'if you put the Cross of the Lord on the top of your road you will emerge victorious. So let me explain, because while the war, starting point the implementation of the memorandum in 2010 in my country, despite them so far 4.000 dead and labomenoys, we have the conviction that in the end we will again have victory. They ignored an Event in the History of the Human Race where, with Divine Will, the Cross of the Lord appeared in the sky - at noon - and a voice was heard saying 'En tuto nika' to our then ancestor Constantine who, following with his mother, the road for finding the, prospered. The power of God, United with that of man, just being in a surprise can. I wholeheartedly wish you being noiwsetai to your life, the power of the cross. Then he really stops thinking 'How can eternity be', Why just that the moment I touch you. So let's talk about BELIEFS. I wonder about the essence, because I heard a long time ago - in the summer or spring - that the Administration of the Peloponnese is entrusted by the Mayor of Kalamata Mr. Panagiotis Nikas, through the space of the Hall, thee German national prefect Germany, with the reasoning that as capable as Marshal in his country, it is also the most suitable in the Hellenic area. It certainly sounds ridiculous only when it is written, But if the Mayor felt that does not meet the conditions as a human, where the Greek society through the vote of anethesai, not having had the say and being paraitithi. Do not know what is happening in your country, because in our own the last time live in literally at the darkness, where brought us, but here the powers transferred only through a vote of the people. I also like being exigisetai to me why so many expenses in Messinia. For example: 6.000.000 to strengthen shores 2.000.000 for Pyrgo Methoni 800.000 for incomplete monastery , etc. You don't tell us Mrs. Aggeliki what purchases she makes in our place;If it is believed that it will be given and for Olympic Stadium construction specifications, forget my participation in the work of OT 820 within the city plan because: Is heritage where I have received from my father the devil, has olive trees, every time I have guests, kotsifia with rare blue shade,owls,nightingales, Wild pigeons, agriokokkoria, many sparrows, Hawks and Eagles. Before a week had gathered herds with many birds. they have gone now. Of the year are coming again. There is certainly the fact that in 2001 the Mayor Mr. Panagis Koumantos and Nanai Agia Zoi tou, handed the top portions of land to owners. Yielded back to my father, the illegally seized, by proϋgoymeni Municipal Authority. The decision was signed by the Secretary-General of the region, Antoni Matsigko in Tripoli, April 10, 2001. Where being is great and Holy life. We were never informed about this decision. Until recently – 14/06/2013 – with a request to the Department of Urban Planning, and ordered the Mayor and all of other competent Arnd, I received a reply that verification where they performed in their service files of, not found the dossier of modification of the egkekrimmenoy Street Plan of Kalamata,where was approved through the yp΄ar. CFI. 958 / 10-4-2001 decision Gen.. Secretary of the Government Gazette 346 / 11-5-2001 at OT 820. The wisecrack was when I climbed to the top floor , I have asked kopelles and I found the GOV.. We did not no objection, Why does informed us, nor did the trouble yet and now, even know that I have for the modifications bring proceedings before katathesi inside of our proprietary space and again deny being inform us for having the possibility of being we restore and fix our contracts, a and neither from the land registry have the indications of lawful possession. In fact, they have 'failed' to record the two legally constructed buildings with 27/99 and 1038/69 building permits and we are exposed to our tax obligations. We are however and in great danger because the Public Electricity Service, after a Prosecutorial Order that I presented he sent me a reply on 29/10/2012 that the supply number was 33551054. While in the documents he additionally gave me as the responsible statement of my father writes the 11-005-10502 for supply number with false house details, ie 52 sq.m.. on 17/10/1986 , while it is 63,75sq.m. of authorization where simultaneously with the other papers I got. I wonder therefore, did not act being the building connection , having an autopsy done and being, which corrects the difference; Here is well Ma'am the scam of PPC. On 8/10/1986, my FATHER paid me 10,360 drachmas in an account number other than the electrician's drainage diagram. As for 7/2/1994, a new change is made where it is written as the year of construction instead of 1969 , 1973 with 52 sq.m.. with receipt Declaration registered by the employee. You can understand, with such legal form problems, does not clarify whether work done certain things, but because I've loved the space, Why is a small beautiful Habitat of Messinia and of Greece and gift of my parents not given thee any, let alone being trampled by awkward s Principles of municipal services. I conclude with nursing and hymns in AGIA TRIADA for good kateywdio life and work in this, as a tribute of world peace Economy of God!Let the Light be born, and AI classes Angels, egenonto in akariaiw, paristamenai peridews, katenwpion of your terrible step, of your inaccessible glory, the state glorified Glory, kripis of Gaia apasis΄ glory, of the pole the solidity. Glory, s Angels divine glory eyprepeia΄, Archangel, the unsullied Eucleia. Glory, Emon FAOs volume yperlampron s principles of pamfawn΄ glory, glimmering, the inaccessibility of the brilliant Powers. Glory, the excess of Powers kratos΄ glory, Dominions the awkward beauty. Glory, price of Thrones asygkritos΄ glory, uniform intangible of nature. Glory, voice Cherub ymnwdia΄ glory, ode Seraphim trisagia. Glory be to you our God. Here I leave you, I think I owe it to my father, because the saw in my sleep between Samara and the smaller Ko my favorite the Passover where passed us , entering the House through a blinding light and sat among them, stirring topographical blueprints, horribly uncomfortable and Vermillion, where I turned and said to him 'Father let them go. I will you run the last desire. ” So I say Ms. Angeliki “GOD HELP ME. I don't even know what to do' . Being well where through helped!!! The theme of the display before you, with number 77, where 77 days he died after 3 surgeries imposed on him by doctors after falling and hitting his head at the age of 86. I am glad that you, Despite the so big risk where diatraxate, you're well and thee anarwsi. I have the Faith that I can take that with having to meet and no longer being at rest. Happy new year Ms. Angeliki and receiving serious the concern, kath΄oti the notary wanted all along with us having the my father's lawyer contracts of last 5 yrs, and had I being run for having written the licenses , and the trees where he had the property. All this the burning of trees for heating with make being I think apollwtriwseis made in peribollia with modifications non-legal procedures, with changed coordinates a and from the ktimatologeio no printed pages and us had paid for their adoption. THANKS. GOOD YOUR ANARWSI. ATHENS DIMITRIOU SPILIOTI – 45 PALIABELLA – OT 823- KALAMATA-MESSINIA- GREECE- ELLADARA
Mr. Stefan, I wanted something delivered to Mrs. Michel Obama for her birthday.. I really wanted to send it to my beloved but we don't talk. If you see my boy, tell him to live and Happy Birthday. Love is not caught at a glance. Love comes from the Heart. Lamposan olive Moschovan Peristeri fly and walking air singing wave plays and smiling ice she holds you in a ruler of a white horse who hunts the time of yesterday's memory today regenerates If you want, fill in as well, it doesn't stop Like Life that defeats death Like Manna Earth that gives birth Like the one who celebrates and laughs Like a wish that yearns Like a Spirit that greets the ages Like Greece that holds the secret of eternal youth in its breasts Like a dog that asks for its master
Hi Mr. Athena Festival again. Yesterday walking toward my house, After the recording of my message to your email address, I saw loose change to sky a long and very thin Rainbow, being stretched out and apart from Pylos and the mountain behind. It was like that moment was. Someone wanted to satisfaction the need of communication I have intense lately, rewarding the effort I've already with you business. Today is the day dedicated to the personality and the human quote of John the Baptist, Baptist of the Lord, son of Elizabeth and Zacharias. He founded the communication of God's relationship with people, and that's why I dedicate to him any effort that would overpower with you for better understanding, with factors that also exist from your side to enlighten the landscape around us. I pass the ends of the colored threads of the Rainbow, and I promise you that as long as I mention my own participation in the project being created, it will be as constructive as possible.1) Should get samples to examination of drugs where circulating in the Greek market. There are sympwmata eye prismenwn, pain at the mouth and gums, flow of fluids from the nose, clogged ears aching to eisofago,intense immobility of the neck and pains in the back of the head and instability and disturbances in the nervous system.2) 12% to 25% of the Mediterranean population suffers from beasts. Especially to men. Cause mostly smoking. The broad katanallwsi creates the need for entertainment of great tobacco leaf production, for coverage of the demand. The fytofarma is a factor of development. Is not at all certain that the quality and quantity of their use are appropriate, because of the memorandum, the Health services are 'sick'. Please give the world the correct and unreserved information, that, the pesticides present at apoxirammenoys tissues, of leaves of tobacco and due to improper synthesis for functioning of the body not digested, but prosarrazoyn within the. Prove with scientific tekmyriwsi the size and the depth of damage. It's something where being constantly thymizetai in Society during that , shows how to use but not how to stop. When I quit smoking in my 30s, use the natural juice from half a lemon every morning foodless and the third day, my body washed out a black 'jam' that filled half the sink. Since then no xanakapnisa. As for my body, I felt that it would regain its health and strength. Here I will describe to you a vision that I had, as I was lying and xekoyrazomoyn. I found myself in an environment where there were two atmospheres where not communicated between them. In one where I stood erect and for long time,watched at the Interior of another where the floor was a deep step down and the surface as 55sq.m. Mine atmosphere was clean and was standing behind me someone my psiloteros with prostateyai. In my front hall the atmosphere were stuffy and kremmontan apokaϊdia and hovered grey ashes. The walls of the Hall were burnt by many fires. At the Center there was a Chair-armchair with two grip handles and strifogyrnoyse to base of why the creature where he sat up trying with every force and sharp movement having with arpaxi through the scrawny away and bare hands of leather. With the one hand having struggled with catch , with the other held tightly by the Chair for having not dropped. Had burnt face. Was lost from the eyes of every life and shine. It had 2 eyes like two lifeless black balls. When shown in Sky TV in Greece, the video dedicated to the fall of the twin towers in September 2013, showed a person where came from laboring fumes, and someone had managed through the perceptive ability being the fwtografisi. It was the same person where I had before seen. In the scene of Hall, rattle the fangs of the hungry and anger. Volume you describe because I say that you should feel is being stop all in one fell swoop the smoking for being burnt whole since has filled us with diseases and tribulations. Preepei here having you leave because someone wants being contacted mazisas . Good evening
What make; Athena again!I imagine that manage more, the thought of returning the marbles of Parthenon, that's why I quote my opinion and from the other side, Since as they say the coin has two sides. I'll tell a tale that seems true if that's what most of you want to think. Although for me the truth - with whatever difficulty - wins over time., forming the opinion that she is more beautiful than the most beautiful dream. How is it possible;With the personal participation of the tektenomenwn. Once upon a time the Earth was flooded to the top with water. God had notice of a nobleman and he and his family and the plans that Pantokrator indicated to him, He built a Theopneysto ship, rather thatan and the first ocean liner, where they put animals as pairs, of all the kinds and the led through security and proper guidance after unknown year,to land. The value all is in the form of construction. When the animals are transported, until the trust thebasis gain in humans, good is being moved in closed and then dark space for being shunned the panic of movement from the native place. So think of the construction of a tanker for occasion , where oral hold fit the 100s of items, where should they were and oversized, plus the space for the food and the water. Think how it would could anyway and the self-cleaning system. Thache rooms and plants. Huge. As for the site of Captain and of his/her family, thatan as usually a cockpit on the top balcony, where was thick columns supporting a pediment in profyllagmeno from the Playa, because there was designed the space fyllaxis of birds. The birds have the physical compass to their noses and so Noah taxideyai sure I find Land, because the birds you were looking at aerial roads being find the space being nesting, for having birth. Some sweet breakfast a White Dove tsimpise with the mytoyla of an olive branch and carried him through the way of the message where the noble Lord was looking. Intelligent creatures!Where olive trees grow and where the weather and the terrain allows, in birds having nests create having secured territory with the proper food and fish and water and temperate climate and safe environment;Where have you found carved Lions except the Delos;Where found in leopards mosaics murals and painted vases;Where have found mammoth;Where has built statue with ivory;I believe that the descendants of the noble Lord made the subsequent years a monument of identical Board of their Progenitor and carved pediment that , the woman of, and the twelve children, where for being cover the daily budget of the day, laboring had anathesi and from one job for each volume , based on the peculiarity of their character in order to have the corresponding success in their work. You decide on their safe transport and it will be your responsibility if they get lost. I would say as a return scenario that they be transported on an ocean liner along the Mediterranean, and in territorial waters of Greece being awaits the Ancient ship type where Ms. Mercouri Mellina kataskeyasai, manned with paddlers from all the geographical regions of Greece. Being make to sailing around the Peloponnese, and arriving in Piraeus, having become a religious Thanksgiving in memory of our ancestors, and brought to the accompaniment of the world, with flowers and folk music from bouzouki guitars instruments and songs many songs in the space where I show the archaeologists for the safe preservation. Appropriate day thatan being get realestate tomorrow of Holy Theophany, where agiazontai the waters, where Dominates the Chrysogalani atmosphere that a God I could bring in the life of man, being zisetai with us as the Greek Easter and through the light of Resurrection being odigithite safe in your hometown, primed by the memories where together we will share. With races at the Peace and Friendship. With concerts in Music Hall. By Ancient Greek performances in the Herodium, and whatever contrivances joy and Renaissance disposition of my fellow citizens. I epifyllaxi that someone would upset. Dq me this. Tomorrow I would like to take a sample of sea water quantity and photograph it to the point where the water molecule is displayed and to display it on your e-mail address. Please accept the result as a gift of acquaintance. Thank you for the hospitality. I wanted to give you a song: The moon made of paper, FALSE beach, if you believe a little thatan all true.
Mr Stephanos please do not to your fellow citizens afflicted. It turned out that Elgin, respecting the archaeological treasures of Greek Art and evaluating it as a World Monument of unequaled beauty and aesthetics technical Ypsilon, THE took to protect them. He was sure that in England, They would have lived protected exhibits for knowledge and learning of younger generations. As Greeks deeply Thank you and we are grateful for the respect and value attributed to them. It is not at all certain whether we as Greeks, with so much suffering where suffering is our place, We would have been able to save. You see how our barbaric invaders have destroyed it. Here we heard the Minister of Development Mr. Hatzidakis say in his speech to the Parliament- recently- that measure of development is the sale of aggregates. Immediately after the MP Mr. Kassidiaris was seen shoot the sign which showed the ancient quarries. In the list for sale and these and probably and plots with Ancient Ruins Monuments-rich investors and collectors. You sir have left them in uniform of our country unarmed. It is not hard to grab the hand and turn them IN THE revolver temple, with their last bullet and say that shot himself. You see there is a tradition and our history and in our minds, not deliver our weapons, but to reach to sacrifice to defend the integrity of our Fatherland. They have studied the way of our extermination. Keep them in your hands. It is certainly not lost. Let us remember , does not matter. Already us cut transmission of the BBC immediately after your word. Here brought Afghans, where via boat crossed the Aegean and stranded in Pylos. The day stayed Prime Pylos with his family, such as news reported. neither guard , nor fyllaxi. Nothing obstacle; Unless he was bundled with Afghan migrants, that apart from the pregnant mother, arrived safely in port, They had in their luggage, what else, poppy seeds and they were cultivators, use change and therefore of morphology entirely of the local community since the vine is suitable, and or commercial and pharmaceutical absorption, would bring financial benefits to some investors in Greece. Keep them. We are relieved to know that there is not sufficient economic value to overshadow. It is the great Amulet of Humanity concerning the work of the highest human performance. Keep them it is certain that the heirs to the English Throne, will protect, as their Paternal inheritance, and have a Greek Blood and heart. Be LOVED AND HAPPY so that we too feel that some people think of us and value us as people and not as numbers in their account. But because I don't want to leave you, in intensity, there is a way for you to help us. First of all, I believe in the relationship that exists between the two great - in strength of spirit and timeless beneficial application - cultures that developed from the search for the spirit of truth and justice in Greece, the Ancient Greek and Byzantine civilization. The existence of the 12 Gods began , founder with Jupiter and the other, where everyone represented a working capacity. Everyone in its field and together, with spirit concord, mutual respect and created a unity, which he called Democracy. With the appearance of the True God - for he has said that if he calls me or talks about me, always be among you- the 12 Apostles appear, where each one takes to work, THE revelation of truth , In all the spiritual levels of human knowledge, with more specialized way, which leads man to self-knowledge and self-employment and the strength to think a little outside himself, feeling that they are able to in order to find more ways that benefit job application, and deal even more with the number of forms of work , where the relation between the yield innovative forms of development and implementation. Gave us to understand that we may use our own mind who made us and who just so resembles His. but lasted until Ktitor, Secrets of Creation of life for our security and our protection. They made us managers on Gestalt factory which called EARTH. So along with the rest of life teams moving and complement each function of life on Earth as a single chain which has neither beginning nor end. It reflected throughout this life system, from our ancestors Greeks in the form of edging him Meandros. Nor does it not protect as it should. The left in the use of fascist and breakfast now free to prohibit the use of symbols and ideas beyond their proper representation. It is very nice to walk in future guide the footsteps of ancestors, and to return to the past receiving examples - supplies for your present life, just as the shape of the Meander shows., to send a YES OR NO on whether we wish to restore the Democracy in Greece in its birthday form. To recognize 12 responsible Social links, a unified chain, where each link represents a group of people working all specialties. To have a representative, They have their own fund , THEIR own safety, and that so require in order to ensure the autonomy and hence the evolution of life of members, responsibly controlling their growth and consumption of resources. Thereby abolished municipalities and political commas. The common point is our place, Greece. The vote-message will also have as recognition the Characterization of Greece as a protected independent state of the World Community and therefore those who want could vote on this proposal. It concerns all of course because of our airspace fly, and from Africa herds of different groups apodymitikon birds. The World Community has the coordinates within which defined our legal rights. They should ensure not using our territorial departments for war. It must not allow the extraction of petroleum products in order to avoid pollution of the Mediterranean marine environment, which is a factor in the nutritional needs of all the Peoples about it. As for the debts that some are discussing on their behalf, they do not exist. We can not recognize because we do not have data and responsibly signed and sealed forms in order to legally proved the existence of debt. Public works which warrant the costs of its amount of debt reported not having done. THE ye know what means. Conversely us have emptied all of our pension funds and savings. Ask them to repay the Greek Earth and the future of our children. They must tell us who signed and implemented as here this death Contract. Neither Greece belongs to us, why is heritage of our parents, to have a field asset for us in the life TO foraging, and housing which in turn will inherit the future generations, Where practical, the future did not even belong to us this. We are simple and managers responsible for our peaceful coexistence with our neighbors and them responsible for any pollution happens on our consideration of the courtyard and the house of our Neighbours. There were our representatives Politicians, whom they 'inoculated' with the poison of the satisfaction of their personal ambitions and 'watered' them with the water full of the vitamins of 'easy wealth' , wanting to capitalize on our love and appreciation to them, predatory and worked illegally our detriment, opening holes beneath our feet and one them evriskes be looking light in the tunnel and one looking to find a hole to chothoun. Prosecutors and our fault Judicial Officers, when they destroy the data and can not do complete their office; One thing is for sure. They know who is. And we know who and how many are. When they are finished with them thachoun to make us. If they live, of course, because they plant a virus in them and before they move, they find themselves with galloping painful cancer and that's it. Conclusion and Oath, even if our generation leaves, Greece will remain intact and untouched by the life and love of our children. In the eyes of the beautiful Mary. In memory of my Ancestry. In Ms Melina Mercouri, who was detained in the life as much as possible to help us. If you had not tricked Andreas Papandreou had put parliamentary candidate Athens thatan Prime Minister of Greece, and Greece needed more 'air'. I remember when we brought it to their ends replied that I wish I seen woman Defence Minister. I wish the Greeks to resemble, he had his way with everyone and everything, because above all, was Patriotissa !!!
GREECE – 2/1/2014 – 9:48 am Happy Birthday for Christmas, with the wish to do the proper preparation everything in our lives, so that, using our HEART, as human manger nativity any sulfur and goods, which will bring our Rebirth for the next time we are given to live. Happy Birthday and for your Name Day which is on December 27 according to the Orthodox Feast custom, to remind us how the young Stephen died, lithovollimenos from the malice of the world for daring to believe that Christ is the True God. Stephen is the flower cluster wearing one on his head when he feels happy and happy, wanting to show ananneotiki force the plymmirizei the moment. Knowing the English habit, as Australian, I lived and trained in the Anglo-Saxon way of life until I was 9 years old, I learned to always give emphasis, in the way of respect and support proteraiotiton that guide human nature, be active safely and that benefit the environment hosting. This helped me in my education and life in Greece the rest of my life. I was born on 7/11/1960, and your announcement on 6/11/2013, I feel that is my birthday gift from God and my father, a and comes from an English Philhellene my compatriot. Not know what means the joy and splendor what I feel, because since August 2010 - when my father 'left' - I have been desperately looking for a way to leave, after arrange some ekkremmotites on my property data in Greece. But it is now impossible to gini, because my love for the Fatherland and My Mother EARTH, identified in an absolutely strong bond and obligation of defense of my own life and my Greek compatriots, living in holy and glorious HOMATA of GREECE. Gi.afto truss and with my thoughts and embroider with my words a new Bridge Contact with you, which in the future will be very useful to me since you are not a random person but a great and strong in soul and heart Brother and Man. But first I want to wish you for yesterday, on 1/1/2014, which according to the Gala program here Greek Social Life, It begins with the Church liturgy in honor of the Great Hierarch Kingdom, which has the same composition to honor God and man. Because participation in the life of the people of his time, It was intense and highly effective, I will convey to you his Blessing from the Gospel passage - according to John - which is read in the Prayer Rule. Said the Lord. I am the thyra` diemou if they go in, is saved, and eiselefsetai, and exit, and habitation ye shall find. The thief comes qua, , save fiber steal, and thysi and apolesi` I came fiber life rammed, and sake echosin. I am the shepherd kalos` the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The employee NOT, and qua s shepherd, ordination qua eisi sheep itself, consider lupus alighting, and afiisi sheep, and leaves, and the wolf snatches them, and scatters the sheep. And the employee leaves that employee esti, and my studies with him on sheep. I am the shepherd the kalos` and knoweth THE EMA, and knoweth subject of emon` together with the Father knoweth, kago knoweth THE Patera` AND THE tithimi my soul for the sheep. And other sheep I have, s is not of the intangible taftis` kakeina to see agagein, and my voice akousousi` and genisetai one flock, you are a shepherd. HAPPY NEW YEAR with God's Love and Justice.
I see no problem with the marbles going back to Greece, as long as the British Museum is compensated for it’s loss.
to ask for the silver brushes with which they destroyed the marbles and to send them the casts of them...
the only problem of ours is that these are not stones or marbles!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are talking about sculptures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! art!!!!!!
I completely agree that Mr. Stephen Fry is a major factor in the assertion of the Parthenon sculptures from the Museum of London, for placing them in their natural position, regardless of any hardships and talaiporeies, that have been. I firmly believe and, allow me to advice all participants, that we should deeply thank support and compliment every person who speaks and/or writes for the return of Parthenon’s sculptures. Please, DO NOT UNDERSCORE Greece’s efforts to demand the return of the sculptures (not the marbles – pentelic or any) in their birthplace. To fight with each other, in the Internet, is ONLY DANGEROUS and harmful for the central goal. L. P. Anthopoulos, MD, Cardiologist. Emeritus Professor of the University of Athens
Very nice words, documented, and, with logic. The key phrase was at the end 'When we can't, we will pay off what we owe to Greece' I wish all Greeks felt this way, but our pride remain mere words unfortunately :(
Some people say that the word φιλοτιμο (filotimo) there is only in greek. Stephen Fry gives the most accurate meaning to this word. We are greatfull to him.
Mr Fry although i don’t know you (personally i mean) i have to say this……i am proud of you…..
I was moved to tears by the dishonorable…
I thank Mr Stephen Fry ,from my heart!....from Greeks, what is being done about the subject? ??….nothing!