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The hurt in gym

What exactly is trying to make;

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  1. george says:

    o typos einai panilithios kai epeidixias. exei kykloforisei kai allo video pou ton deixnei kai se alla organa na kanei akrivos to idio pragma. kai oloi eseis pou ton ypostirizete exete dei sto gymnastirio sas na kanei tetoies aidies?

  2. Circusfreak Stella says:

    however if I saw a guy in the gym doing 2 things I would have data : 1) It don't hurt , 2) οτι θα τραυματιστει με τοσο αγαρμπες κινησεις …

  3. george says:

    mia xara askisi ekane se diaforetika epipeda..vlamenos mallon autos pou to koinopoiise einai….

  4. The nondescript says:

    Why hurt; Impressive was!

  5. Deep Rate says:

    πάντως βρήκε έναν τρόπο για να το μετακινήσει…τόσο βάρος δεν είναι και εύκολη δουλειά!