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The cassock throws me three-phase current!

Anyone who dared to take on the Church, You should know that she has the ranks of a ... Super Hero. It is not the Batman, It is not the Superman, not even the Spiderman: Is Bishop Jeremiah, whose cassock ... It flies three-phase current to anyone who goes to the hurt!

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  1. Achachoychas says:

    Έτσι είναι … το καλτσόν τρίβετε στο ράσο και παράγη και τριφασικό άμα λάχει ναούμ….Αντε ρε Ροζαλία…..

  2. PeAcE says:

    And the trelokomio poly of Pai..

  3. married says:

    I always offer to kiss your virgin!!!

  4. Papakiller says:

    What is the koyradas FAG. Shut up fuck the Taliban you speak for the Gregory fifth (e); he who cursed the revolutionaries of 1821; A life with the ladle Popes.

    • Emperor says:

      What are these that say VRE Satan;!Take one Ball Electro and a Thunderbolt, in ya face!

      • Papakiller says:

        Well! όση ώρα τον έβριζα ένιωθα ένα ρεύμα στην πλάτη μου… αλλά τελικά είχα ανοιχτεί πόρτα. Μούφα ο τράγος δεν έχει “super powers” που λέμε και στο χωριό μου, Taliban is simply.