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Take a look at this amazing video showing how a species can have a huge impact on the entire ecosystem in which it lives, and even to change the geography of a region. – When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the United States, while absent for almost 70 years, the most remarkable 'trophic transformation' occurred.
Amazing videos !!!
All say UNBELIEVABLE that another etc THESE are KNOWN YEARS of JUST SEBESAI and DIABAZEIS = Plotinus AFTOS POU DEN NOT PROXIMITY of NOT WORTH LIVING WITHIN SELF and APOBALETAI said Plotinus and others before him. TA PERISTERIA important plants significantly PREFECTURE NATURE = SYMBIWTIKA but how many apply the GELOIOYS to SAY KIPOYROYS that EVERY YEAR the municipality VAZI KOYREYOYN to ALL PLANTS that ANTHIZOUN on PARKS and thousands of small and large plants each time the throw in the trash to INE KATHAROS o kipos bullshit!! ΜΑζεύουν σκυλιά γάτες και άλλα ζωάκια ΣΕ ΟΛΗ ΤΗΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ ΤΑ ΣΤΕΙΡΩΝΟΥΝ το παίζουν ΦΙΛΟΖΩΟΙ και τα ταίζουν με ΚΑΡΚΙΝΟΓΟΝΕΣ ΤΡΟΦΕΣ απαράδεκτες ΑΠΟ ΤΑ ΣΟΥΠΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΔΙΩΧΝΟΥΝ ΤΑ ΠΟΥΛΙΑ ΓΙΑΤΙ ΚΟΥΤΣΟΥΛΑΝΕ σκοτώνουν κάθε τι και άλλα πολλά – είστε και εσείς ίδιοι μιλάτε στον αερα ή κάνετε άλλα απο αυτά ….
Man disturbs the balance of nature !!! Is the most greedy and unbalanced being of planet !!!
Assume that you are a hedgehog, (e);
If you can, Yes ! I, What to make for you ;
Η Ανθρώπινη άρνηση να κατανοήσει και να αποδεχτεί την τελειότηταΑυτού που πραγματικά είναι η φύση τούτου του κόσμου που τον φιλοξενεί, will be the real reason he himself Kosmos will eliminate !And it wouldn't be the first time that the nature of this world will do !Το βίντεο είναι αχτίδα που φωτίζει την πραγματική πλευρά του κόσμου που Είναι και καταρρίπτει τις Ψευδαισθήσεις μας γι’ αυτό που νομίζουμε ότι είναι ο κόσμος !
Fools brace yourselves winter is coming!!
Unlikely videos, and inconceivable until now, the,what only a few wolves would bring such changes to the environment and biodiversity of the National Park. Certainly functioned as counterweights, the balance of the ecosystem, but it is wonderful the size of change.