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CDO and Samaras dancing to ' 80s Halloween party

A video that turns out to be Yes storyline by cult film of the 80s made the rounds of the Internet. Πρωταγωνιστές στο βίντεο δεν είναι άλλοι από τον Γιώργο Παπανδρέου και κάποιον που μοιάζει με τον Αντώνη Σαμαρά… Κάποιος που εμφανίζεται στο 1:45 of the video, with Hawaiian outfit be rocked to the rhythm of loud music presents a frightening resemblance to the Prime Minister, but nobody can speak with certainty. However from the Cineclub Patras claim that this is not the first. Samaras but his hand. Instead the presence of George Papandreou is intense throughout the video.

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