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The 17-year-old Tacko Fall is not a synithismenos student. The young high school Liberty Christian Prep Florida has a height of 2,26 m. and is one of the tallest people in the age of. When playing basketball with the school group does not exist and a lot of competition with rivals.
Yes but this has nothing to do with talent.
I say and Alli Kai? στα μπασκετ το υψος ειναι το ταλεντο σου……υπαρχουν πολλα παραδειγματα καλαθοσφαιριστον να μην το κατεχουν και να κανουν καριερα λογο υψους και μονο….ασε που στο βιντεακι δεν διχνει να μην εχει ταλεντο :D
The Spanoylis's got talent, If I 2,70 and camped beneath the basket would have talent;To make a brilliant Eides;
What to do the shoot when you got a safe cart ????