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Rider moving at 300 km / h in Athens Lamia

Slalom and dangerous overtaking by a Greek rider who reaches the 300 km / h, a KTM Super Duke 1290 in National Road Athens Lamia.

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  1. George Giannakas says:


  2. dimitris81gr says:

    idiots are mellothanoatoi and who do extreme sports; The LAD knows what he is doing and eytichws all went well. If it was the Rossi can and don't mind us. Don't applaud for what makes.

    • Buts says:

      Stupid murderers who, είναι όσοι κάνουν “extreme sports”, in surroundings that are other people. Όσο ικανός οδηγός κι αν είναι ο “μπουζουκοκέφαλος”, I would not like to depend on my life than his abilities, χωρίς να υπάρχει λόγος και χωρίς να το επιλέξω.Μερικοί βάζουν μια μηχανή ανάμεσα στα πόδια τους, to convince us that there have, something missing. Instead the vacuum head, not only do the hide, αλλά δεν το καλύπτουν ούτε με κράνος.Υ.Γ. The Rossi won't ever put the lives of others (But even his own), at risk to prove how an asshole is! If you did, I wouldn't mind much more. Don't compare dissimilar things.

    • Giorgos says:

      but he can be the best driver in the world. for me I'm afraid and the other guide that when seeing such a crazy doing those, το πιθανότερο είναι να φοβηθούμε και να κάνουμε εμείς το λάθος δεν θα συμβεί όμως αν δεν μας πιέζει ο ανεγκέφαλος με την επικίνδυνη του οδήγηση.

  3. Giorgos says:

    Bravo karagiozi. ειδικα εκει που προσπερασες αριστερα αυτοκινητο στην αριστερη λωριδα… ποσο κιλα μαλ@@@@ εισαι??

  4. drive with your brain says:

    Something did now karagiozis, AMA fall on anybody wretch ( one day so they go will fall) will wane with the spatula but will kill and man. In conclusion it is a dumb fuck and facial mellothanatos of.