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The Adam Conover tells us the sad truth for purebred dogs, While he explains how he devised the breeds and why the breeding of Thoroughbred is sometimes abuse for the same animals.
To χειρότερο είδος για άλλη μια φορά ειναι ο άνθρωπος.Κοιτά να καταστρέψει ή να διαμορφώσει καταστρέφοντας οτι έχει βρει στην “εξελικτική” πορεία του μόνο και μόνο για να ικανοποιήσει το εγώ του.Εχουμε φτασει εδώ στην Ελλάδα να το παιζουν όλοι φιλόζωοι και να εχουν 2-3 ζωα μέσα η εξω στο σπίτι χωρις οι περισσοτεροι απο αυτους να εχουν την παραμικρή ιδέα απο τι ειδους φροντιδα και εκπαιδευση χρειαζονται.Το αποτελεσμα ειναι αδεσποτα παντού,dogs that annoy and epitithontai and uninvolved !!!! Good laws for torturing or killing animals enough to apply to those who torment even because they have in their possession.
να υποθεσω πως οσοι υποστυριζετε το αντιθετο…εμπορευεστε γνηυσιες ρατσες???
The Adam Conover is a standup comedian who lives in Los Angeles and made a career on the backs of fools who watch with reverence the deliberate provocative emissions across channels and internet, and share the provocative extreme positions on all of the sciences and knowledge. Recently, the miserable typakos he decided to confront the 'pedigree dogs'. So what we learn by watching this anekdiigito, unhealthy, and despicable Nazi inspiration vjnteakj; Firstly there are no purebred dogs. (OK, Megale, something you said now, goodbye.) But now begins the nice: What we all consider 'purebred' dogs (or cats) It is actually that teratogenic kyoforithikan from test tubes in laboratories hellish-something style types Mengele, said neat sadism Schizophrenia (or both). Όλα τα «καθαρόαιμα» σκυλιά συλλαμβάνονται από αιμομικτικά ζευγαρώματα και γι’ αυτό είναι καταδικασμένα να ζήσουν ελάχιστα, suffering from excruciating illness, to the point that some of these dogs, e.g. bulldogs, if they could talk to someone begging to kill to the release of their misery. Also, All Small dogs are unhappy (the terrible comedian does not explain to us why so we are left wondering), so it would be someone to 'relieve' these. Having said and other such monstrous, reaches the following intelligent: To solve all the problems of 'purebred' dogs that breeders should stop to mate with dogs of the same breed(!). Unfortunately, though, says, breeders do not accept this! Delighted that the 'snapped' to those who have 'pedigree dogs', cast end credits. We said, comedian is a man - and even bad.
Εχμ… φίλε μου τι ακριβώς δεν κατάλαβες; When you reproduce dogs with deformities for your own pleasure or because you look great, While it can not be teratogenic, but certainly not doing good at the same dogs. The korgki say, It is cute because it has short legs and the race has absolutely no utility. It's like constantly reproduce people with dwarfism because amused to see them. The same applies to the Chihuahua and Small Dogs, since they usually have self-esteem problems.
Read carefully my text. I have nothing to add.
Τα σκυλιά “ράτσας” δεν αναπαράγονται από τον Φρανκεστάιν ούτε σε δοκιμαστικούς σωλήνες. Reproduced comfortable and the courtyard of your house. Do not try to create impressions. Everything you say the video applicable. He opened a book on the laws of heredity
I accept the terms of the 'comic' reflects the majority of modern Greek. Γι’ αυτό άλλωστε η Ελλάδα είναι η πρώτη χώρα σε όλο τον κόσμο σε αριθμούς αδέσποτων σκύλων αλλά και γατιών. Where we disagree;
Your text is a verbal attack on this type and those who believe him, μαζί με μια απλή αναπαραγωγή των όσων λέει – that’s it -.Eνδιαφέρουσα η άποψη οτι μπορεί να λέει ψέματα, because I do not even go through the mind, but you do not say something to convince us. On the other hand he says the video, mainly on the grounds of permanent problems are some breeds, φαίνεται απόλυτα λογικό.Ακόμα και αν δεν τα κατάφερναν, είναι σίγουρο οτι οι άνθρωποι θα προσπαθησαν να “φτιάξουν” ζωα χαριτωμένα ωστε να μπορούν να τα πουλάνε και να ζουν απο αυτό.Ενας σκύλος σε μέγεθος ποντικιού δεν έχει κανένα φυσικό νόημα ύπαρξης. Imagine the time of Neanderthals.. see wild people, feral cats, wild mice, wild dogs.. wild chihuahua? νο οοο.EDIT: example http://www.videoman.gr/63617 ;)(Hello videoman)
Not understand any of my text. I suggest you reread.
Probably you have not understand your text. I suggest you read the summary I gave in the previous post.
Your text, while well written, It is nothing but a big mush. Nothing was achieved. Could you post nice -avasimi- λασπολογία σου να καταθέσεις σ τ ο ι χ ε ί α για να στηρίξεις την άποψή σου που απ’ ότι φαίνεται συνοψίζεται στο μίσος σου απέναντι στον κωμικό. I'm not saying that you agree with Adam Conover why, apparently, making comedy hosted data as he liked to have the end result that he liked, but, But I tell you that you did not do anything to prove I was wrong. The mudslinging and rhetorical questions are not arguments.
I make clear that it will not respond to any other comment.
Said spokesman of purebred dogs.
Συνεπώς ασχολείστε με τους άλλους ενώ λέτε ότι δεν απαντάτε…με την μη απάντηση σας εκφράζοντας την με λόγια, you answer. You do this even if you do not accept it. Your text was not clear at all so I could have a dialogue. Just do not worry if you think you have expressed your opinion. Many repetitions in speech get tired and any substance is lost.
Επανέρχομαι όχι για να απαντήσω σε κάποιο σχόλιο – ξεκαθάρισα ότι αυτό δεν πρόκειται να το κάνω. I am writing this note to express my sincere surprise in front of the fact that some do not realize that the 'theme' of this publication is not me or my text (as well written, Smart, full, με χιούμορ και με εμπεριστατωμένες απόψεις κι αν είναι – το παραδέχομαι). I.e., if some of them dealing with such perseverance with me, They had the chance to know me personally, what exactly did, They will cut veins; Why, should add, I have not only intelligence and education, like enough money, but my appearance I would say that it lacks anything: I am sufficiently masculine, Tall, gymnasmenos, with tawny hair and blue eyes. So mEETING, leave me alone and deal with the substance of the matter. Come thumbs!
The ( thoroughbred ) dog is a working dog has been created for a specific purpose in a particular environment, I disagree with the proviso that generated entertainment as I believe that stigmatize certain breeds . You ought to respect the specificities of a ( thoroughbred) dog or if you prefer an artificial ( thoroughbred) , the breed history, τον λόγο που έχει δημιουργηθεί και να λειτουργείς αναλόγως .Οφείλω να συμφωνήσω στο θέμα με τα παράνομα & απάνθρωπα εκτροφεία, but control is the job of the legislation in each country, not mine or yours . Όλα αυτά μου θυμίζουν την Αθήνα που έβλεπα κάτι όμορφες δεσποινίδες που της τράβαγαν κάτι ντόπερμαν ή pit-bull , dogs begging to let them run and those just saved from this persistent pulling .
The Americans always talk to extremes in their word. Simply, the inherently purebred dogs is the healthiest of all, enough not to incest with parents and siblings. Just like humans: not incest related, and not cross-breeding tribes. Αυτά είναι ύβρις.Ο παρουσιαστής, though, the program shows them that suit the New World Order.
Εξηγηστε μου λίγο τι εννοείτε “εκ φύσεως καθαρόαιμα”? A happy man says. We thought we knew well in advance and it is easy to find someone on the internet, the history of each breed. Refer to several websites..
the husky Mr. malamout the n general, the tribes of the fifth group are naturally Pure. thousands of years. φυσικα υπαρχουν αποτυχημενοι που τα μπασταρδευουν κ φορτωνουν τα κουταβια σε αλλο πατερα….
Απλα δεν καταλαβα των ορο ‘εκ φυσεως καθαροαιμα’ πως τν ενοουσε ακριβως. Why do similar term the video did not want Mr. parexigiso.Yparchoun thousands of breeds and outside the natural choice some are not so blatant that evolved! Many have their own but mutated c example the pug is the bulldogs, says video f, discomfort with their features, so it n was natural selection! He had seen a documentary that the Westies have such a tail,Short and steady, c w t pulls Hunters when entering burrow beagles. Of course it is self? Και το λεω μ καθε επιφυλαξη γτ δεν ειχα δει ολο τ ντοκιμαντερ…. :/ It is not bad to be a purebred dog and alas if we reverse racism towards them, αλλα δε δεχομαι να στραβομουτσουνιαζουν καποιοι τελευταιοι κυνοφιλοι απλα επειδη ενα ζωο δεν μοιαζει ετσι οπως καποιες ‘Λεσχες’ εχουν βαλει ως στανταρντ. And you know very well that in some breeds the standard changes every whenever.
To answer you very soon. Δεν υπάρχουν “εκ φύσεως καθαρόαιμα” πλάσματα, neither dogs nor people. If you put male and female dog together, they will do what you expect, and will not look breeds. In nature the creatures cross freely and survive those that are able to survive. In the frozen areas exist in nature husky, because the rich coat is necessary due to cold. Although born husky with short hair will not survive. “Καθαρές ράτσες” υπάρχουν μόνο στα βρώμικα μυαλά.
What exactly you drink and do not give us?
You have a dog and you give birth six puppies. Both have very high legs and therefore are interested. How do you think it will acquire more; You get more if you let me mate in random dogs; No. You get more if you add it to mate with each other or with their mother. Thus the characteristic of interest, (very tall legs) He is more likely to be inherited by the descendants. Do then. 6 other puppies born. Magically, 4 or 5 of the 6 have the characteristic of interest, because they inherited from their parents. Along with this, of course, they inherited a ton of problems related to incest, but your heartbreak, because your dogs are THE BIGGEST FEET Piazza. So keep the puppies that interest and give away the rest at best or throw the trash in the worst. Repeat the process several times and end up embedded in genomic feature so that now all the puppies have. Congratulations. Εχεις πλέον εφεύρει μια “νέα ράτσα” που μπορεί να εχει αιμοροφιλία, problematic brain, lizard intelligence, but wins the pageant or the races because it has big feet. ΑΥΤΟ είναι οι “ράτσες” των σκύλων.Άνοιξε κανένα βιβλίο. The so-called new world order not honor the human species to which you belong and called homo sapiens
File.Opoios not rightly understands the obvious reason there is no further discussion.
Thanks. These people wear glasses neotaxika and mistakenly consider as progress the etairomixia (tribal) despite the,what destroys the healthy development of life on the planet Gaia. They ignore the insidious programming, liberal and equate them with etairomixies likeable stray dogs roads. From sophisticated false endorsements in the world of Ideas emanate the wrong attitudes and actions that bring nightmarish consequences. I think people who turn a blind eye to the spiritual hubris (not mentally) dead and I do not have time for them, belong elsewhere. Consideration that Hubris is indeed ugly but attractive as Circe of the Odyssey. The other side, well, of Ivreos is Sagini for that and it is easily committed. Directed against the Nature, in conscience darkness, as that of the Platonic cave, The Hubris functions as illusionist. It is not so much the tyflamara on physical checks, Ignoring basic health Canon, and aesthetic perversion that dominate neotaxikous populations, so that teratogenesis is ignored and attractive amorphousness is projected as beauty. Here in Australia where I am, I work in hospitals. Teratogenesis is artfully disguised. My heart aches when I see sick children in partnerships suffer and have reduced lives by paying for the sins of their parents who voluntarily go blind.. No scientist dares to tell them the cause of their problem which they think is a coincidence. Though, είναι διαβολική η “σύμπτωση”. It is urgent to understand that when we impose incest, mixing, and animal clonings we play it Gods and that is Insult, as a result, some known-unknowns impose the same on people. When we plant microchips in animals, some others will plant microchips in us too. Διότι κι εκείνοι – εξ ίσου λανθασμένα – πιστεύουν πως είναι Θεοί με δικαίωμα πολύτροπου ελέγχου πάνω μας, and without guilt they do Ivrin which brings disasters in its passage, but that will eventually come to them like a boomerang. – Και πάλιν ευχαριστώ.
“Απλά, τα έκ φύσεως καθαρόαιμα σκυλιά είναι τα υγιέστερα όλων”Τα εκ φυσεως σε μεγαλο ποσοστο ναι.Αλλα για τα υπολοιπα φιλε μου, συγνωμη αλλα δεν ειναι ετσι.Ειμαι κτηνιατρος, και το 99% αυτων που ειπωθηκαν ειναι αληθεια.Η πλειοψηφια των συγχρονων ρατσων εχει δημιουργηθει απο τον υπερτονισμοκαποιου κληρονομησιμου χαρακτηριστικου μεσω επιλεκτικης αναπαραγωγης.Τα ημιαιμα (βλεπε “μεσος σκυλος- average dog”) smarter and more healthy and this is statistically confirmed beyond any amfisvitisis!Βεβαιως και υπαρχουν “φυσικες” καθαροαιμες ρατσες -αναφερθηκαν τα Χασκυ κλπ- και αυτες δημιουργηθηκαν ειτε για περιβαλλοντικους λογους οπως πχ η επιβιωση σε κρυα κλιματα ειτε λογω γεωγραφικης απομονωσης…βλεπε θεωρια Δαρβινου.Προσεξε ομως:these is healthy and epitychimena only in the context in which created!Δεν υπαρχει πιο αποτυχημενο ζωο απο το “φυσικο” Χασκυστο κλιμα της Ελλαδας!And the respective ellinikos ichnilatis cannot epizisei in Finland!Nature does not anaparagei animals adynatoyn to gennithoyn with normal variations, that cannot be in the island located, που δεν μπορουν να τρεξουν και να κυνηγησουν.Πχ το αυστραλιανο αγριοσκυλο (Ntigko), που εχει πια εντελως καθορισμενο σωματοτυπο δημιουργηθηκε απο τα σκυλια των Ευρωπαιων μεταναστων που το’σκασαν.Αυτα φανταζομαι δεν ηταν ολα ιδιας ρατσας… αλλα ομοιογενοποιηθηκαν τα χαρακτηριστικα τους και προεκυψε με φυσικη επιλογη μεσα σε 350 χρονια το σκυλι που βλεπουμε σημερα.Φανταζομαι αυτο αποδεικνυεται απο το γεγονος οτι ο λυκος (maturelady or first xaderfos of dog) που εχει τεραστια παγκοσμια εξαπλωσηπαρουσιαζει μηδενικες διαφοροποιησεις γι’αυτο ακριβως τον λογο.Η φυσικη επιλογη εξελιξε ενα πολυ επιτυχημενο μοντελο ικανο να επιβιωσει με ελαχιστες “επιδερμικες” τροποποιησεις σε πολλους τοπους και κλιματα.Σε ποιο μερος του κοσμου θα μπορουσε να επιβιωσει ενα Bullgog που καταρρεει απο αναπνευστικη ανεπαρκεια αμα το τρεξεις, or a Chihuahua of enamisi electrodes that toyrtoyrizei all day;The your opinion non-epimeixias ratswn (and in particular this that akoympoyn and the human genos) λογω επιβολης καποιας “νεας ταξης” θα μεινουν απο μενα ασχολιαστες…
Dear Sound of Void, έρρωσο.Ευχαριστώ για την ανταπόκρισή σου. Yes, We agree 99%. In this 1% disagreement I shall say to: The Dingo is a wild Australian dogs and is here (Australia) as the Amporitzinals remember. I.e., thousands of years. Europeans are present only 240 years and brought along several dogs from Europe. And are the last 200 years that began the intermarriage of Diggs by major European stray dogs, as a result their species to tinei to exafanisin. At the same time we have to invade like herds in sheepfolds located some Mongrel breed of wild dogs, that kill the quirky and expensive dogs of stanis in order to maul the livestock breeders. The Australian Governments of most States worry so and looking to find a way of preservation of ntigko (I prefer the hunting of wild animals) και ταυτόχρονα κάποιο τρόπο εκκαθάρισης των εξαγριωμένων σκύλων λόγω επιμειξίας κι εγκατάλειψης.Όσο δε για την επιμειξία μεταξύ ανθρώπων που δεν καταδέχεσαι να σχολιάσεις, I mentioned for humanitarian reasons. I want to serve the kanwnes of nature, και ακριβώς γιαυτό δεν ενδιαφέρομαι να είμαι “πολιτικά σωστός”. I do not accept the imported ideas proskynimenwn international epikyriarchoys as Repoussi, of Pavlopoulos, and Diamantopoulou. I'm not party to do campaign against human trafficking groups or hyperlink. I'm just a social person with some education, experience, and knowledge that I must not conceal, and not to idiwteyw in order to be pleasing to the masters. Those who know something of benefit and the hide is either evil or malicious individuals (idiots).
You can exigiseis what ennoeis that is apotychimeno in chasky natural climate of Greece; Αν εννοεις τη ζεστη σιγουρα κανεις λαθος γιατι το εσωτερικο τριχωμα του λειτουργει ως κλιματισμος σε ζεστες και ψυχρες συνθηκες… και φυσικα δεν ειμαστε σε συνθηκες Αφρικης… ειχα χασκυ και φροντισα να ενημερωθω πριν το παρω αλλα και μετα.. The it ISE ktiniatros gnwrizeis means that not everything about the ratses of animals.. . Γενικα παντως διαφωνω με τις αιμομιξιες των σκυλων για λογους εμφανισης αλλα κυριως για ολους αυτους τους ηλιθιους που εκμεταλευονται τα σκυλια για να πλουτιζουν φροντιζοντας δηθεν για τη διατηρηση της ρατσας… Προκειται απλα για απατεωνες…