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Candidate Miss Cyprus: 'If someone told me that he has Aids will say congratulations!”

A candidate for the title of Miss Cyprus asked what he would do if he learned that is a known carrier of AIDS is. And answered: “Πρώτα απ ‘όλα θα ήθελα να πω … Μπράβο και συγχαρητήρια που είναι ένας πολύ σημαντικός άνθρωπος”. When the presenter asked explanations, the candidate continued: “Θα τον ενθάρρυνα να το ξανακάνει”…

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1 Comment

  1. dimitris81gr says:

    From a Visual is right ,I would say congratulations, because it is quite difficult to announce someone something. Shows a person without insecurities and from there ypethyno for those around him.