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Bizarre foods: Eating tarantulas in Cambodia

If you are arachnofobikos, You can face your fear in Cambodia by trying one of the strangest local food, crisp fried tarantulas. In the street markets of Phnom Penh and the small town Skoyon, the fried tarantulas and called 'a-ping', It is a popular snack that locals and tourists just love.

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  1. Mateo says:

    'with tetion culture will not like Republicans plus iparho.. don't tell the dikos our best just STA Matia MOU INE athlioi..

    • found says:

      fae edw pswmi apo metallagmeno kineziko aleyri (oles oi aleyroviomixanies ayto poulane), laxanika tigka sta fytofarmaka (i Kriti prwti se karkinous stin Eyrwpi eksaitias tous) kai kreas or tin Ollandia pou trefetai me metallagmeni sogia (me kapoio enzymo pontikiou) kalliergimeni sta kommena dasi tou Amazoniou…aytos einai o dikos mas politismos…steile mou reply ap’to kainourgio sou iphone…

      • Guest says:

        sorry alla stin Krhth den xrhsimopoioume fytofarmaka… Kathe oikogeneia exei ta dika tis frouta kai laxanika xwris tetoies ousies giauto kai exoume megalo hlikiako orio. Twra an kapoies viomixanies ta xrhsimopoioun einai pagkosmio fainomeno kai oxi topiko.

    • Johnny3 says:

      Flew to the Cambodian market, Make them a live show and you will see what they will tell you about your culture...;-)Can us seems completely disgusting to eat Tarantula that we only see in movies but I don't think the same applies for the lobster that if you think about it is the same obnoxious with a spider and is considered a gourmet, very expensive dish in the western world...So everything is a matter of environment we have grown up in and traditions we have come in contact with and not superiority/inferiority...

  2. Konstantinos Theodoridis says:

    Christ and Apostle Gletsos....