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Answer by aschimoteri woman in the world '

The Lizzie Velasquez is a young woman who was born with a very rare syndrome that prevents getting weight and if she eats. Only one person in the world suffers from this, While doctors and scientists have not found any explanation until now about the nature of the disease. Due to its appearance of, η Lizzie εδώ και πολύ καιρό αποκαλείται “η πιο λεπτή γυναίκα στον κόσμο” ή ακόμα και “η πιο άσχημη γυναίκα στον κόσμο” στα μέσα ενημέρωσης και στο Διαδίκτυο γενικότερα. During the studies of, He suffered humiliation and ridicule from other students, While some of the suggested even to commit suicide. Lizzie is now 25 years old, weighs less than 30 kg, works as a motivational speaker around the world and has published 3 books. Managed to make her illness force, όπως εξηγεί σε αυτό το βίντεο “How do you define yourself?” από το συνέδριο TEDx Austin.

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